Pro EP 94 : How to perform simple background jobs in .NET ?

Muhammad Waseem
Become .NET Pro !
1 min readDec 1, 2023

How to perform simple background jobs in .NET ?

Background tasks refer to processes or operations that run independently of the main execution flow of a program or application.

These tasks typically operate in the background, often without direct user interaction, and can perform various functions like :

- Notifications
- Periodic Jobs
- Scheduled Tasks
- Message Processing
- Asynchronous Processing
- Real-time Data Processing

We can achieve this by implementing IHostedService in .NET.

It has two methods :

- StartAsync
- StopAsync

We can add our desired action in it, all we need to do is to register this service in program file and we are good to go.

We use this for simple background jobs, for more advanced options you can check following nuget packages :

  • Hangfire
  • Quartz

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