Netanel BasalWhy You Should Avoid Using Type Assertion in TypeScriptYou’ve probably used the as type assertion at least once when working with Typescript. For example:May 9, 2022May 9, 2022
Netanel BasalMeaningful Object Keys in TypeScriptIn Typescript, Record is a common way to express an object type. For example:May 3, 20221May 3, 20221
Netanel BasalStrongly-Typed Event Params for Your Node.JS Lambda Endpoint HandlersOne of the things I miss when working with HTTP lambda handlers, is the lack of typing when accessing keys like the event.body…Apr 19, 2022Apr 19, 2022
Netanel BasalA Namespace-Based Approach to Organizing TypeScript CodeI like to have a types file for each package that manages the types related to it for my applications. With Typescript namespaces, we can…Apr 17, 20221Apr 17, 20221
Netanel BasalCreate a Typed Version of SimpleChanges in AngularAngular calls the ngOnChanges method of a component or directive whenever it detects changes to the input properties. The method receives…Dec 15, 20205Dec 15, 20205
Netanel BasalBehind the Scenes: How Typescript Decorators OperateTypescript decorators under the hoodJul 16, 20192Jul 16, 20192
AngularDeveloper97How to Add Angular Component Input Validation16 August 2023 UpdateSep 25, 20184Sep 25, 20184
Netanel BasalA Smaller Bundle with Const Enums in TypeScriptEnums allows us to define a set of named constants. By using enums we can keep our code DRY, easy to refactor, and more readable.Mar 16, 20184Mar 16, 20184
Netanel Basal😎 Sexier Imports in TypeScript 👻In almost every application that does not use the technique we’ll talk about, we’ll see imports such as the following:Feb 26, 201831Feb 26, 201831
Netanel BasalGetting To Know The Partial Type in TypeScriptI don’t usually bother to write about such small things, but I’ve come across many people who don’t know this handy feature, so I decided I…Oct 23, 201710Oct 23, 201710