How to make Timestamps on Discord

Timestamps are a very useful feature on Discord. Even though they’re very simple a lot of people don’t know how to make them. So let’s find out how to make them.

Netcord Articles
2 min readApr 17, 2022


What are timestamps?

Handling time zone conversion is pretty challenging that’s why there are timestamps.

Timestamps describe time across multiple user time zones. It can be sent by regular users as well as bots and applications.

Discord uses UNIX timestamp format. This format work with total seconds from January 1st, 1970 at UTC. The syntax for discord times stamps is <t:TotalSeconds:style>.

All types of timestamps

What can these timestamps be used for?

Timestamps can be useful for specifying a date/time across multiple users time zones.

Practical uses in server can be timers and countdowns for events or giveaways and etc.

Step 1: Go to

There are plenty websites that will help you make a timestamp. I will use for this tutorial.

Step 2: Set date and time

Step 3: Choose format

Choose format matching your use of timestamp.

All timestamp formats:

Step 4: Copy and Paste

Copy the timestamp from bellow and paste it anywhere where you need.

Final step: Your are done. Enjoy your perfect timestamp!

How timestamp looks on discord

That’s all, hope you enjoyed today’s daily article. Join Netcord Daily Dose of Discord so you can be a part of this amazing community.

See you tomorrow!

