Why People Hate MEE6? (Better Alternatives)

MEE6 is probably the most popular Discord bot — of all time. Where is all the hate coming from and why?

Netcord Articles
4 min readApr 25, 2022


Thumbnail by: Roonie#1255

Have you ever wondered why so many people actually hate the bot? Or why so many people prefer other bots like Sapphire, Auttaja, and Arcane to MEE6? I think there are a few reasons for that.

How it’s portrayed VS How it actually is

MEE6 always seems to portray itself as the “all-in-one free bot”. But that isn’t entirely true. It’s not entirely free.

You could assume, “Well, they can charge whatever they want; after all, it’s their bot,” however, people don’t like the way its marketed in the

Image: CookedOryx#0201

Isn’t it kind of scummy how one of the core, front page worthy, feature turns out to be a premium only? While they advertise themselves to be free. You notice you have to pay for half the functions after you’ve already set up the entire thing, and that’s when you realize you either pay for it, or leave all the progress you made in those minutes of your life.

“MEE6 presents itself as an easy-to-use, “noob” friendly bot, which preys on the un-informed and the new users of Discord with it’s Discord-like styled website and dashboard, and makes it seem like MEE6 is the only bot out there that will do everything that the user desires, when in reality this couldn’t be further from the truth.”

Stretch of acceptable use of data

Recently, MEE6 sent out unsolicited marketing emails of MEE6NFT to users who have the bot authenticated to their Discord accounts.

“Their Oauth arbitrarily needs the email scope & their policy doesn’t state how they use it.”

Are there any better alternatives to MEE6?

Yes! Not at all a surprise right?


Is a website created by Discord user CmdData#0101 who is also the developer of the popular Discord bot Pepe Manager.

In this website you will find alternatives to every single MEE6 feature (premium or not) in a nice documentation format for ease of use.

I think it’s worth mentioning that all the premium MEE6 features were once completely free! Many users have reported to part ways from the bot because some of the most basic and core useful features are locked behind a paywall.

The Premium Plan

Their monthly plan.. isn’t the best. With around $12/month they are asking more than Discord Nitro.
But, their Lifetime Plan is what makes up for it. Coming at a $90 one time payment for a lifetime of MEE6 premium, I think it’s a great value for money.

Why People are Still Buying MEE6 Premium

MEE6 is popular because of a reason. It’s the ease of use that gets non-experienced Discord bots to get it on their server. And it’s no stretch that MEE6 is quite user friendly and easy to use.

And it does what it’s designed to do even though it asks for a payment. And people want exactly that. There are older inexperienced brands or influencers who just want their server set up with something easy for them to understand and manage. And they have the money to spent on it.

MEE6 is not a bad bot.

MEE6 is a bot that does what is being shown. Premium or not, it’s there. Newbies usually fall for it because it never compares itself to other bots. It’s as if they didn’t exist and MEE6 was the only available option in the market. Overall, it does its thing.

We do not condone or encourage any harassment to the developers or people who use it their servers either. If it meets your expectations and it works for you, who are we to change your opinion.

This article was published to Netcord HQ by CookedOryx#0201 & Roonie#1255. Join the Official Daily Dose of Discord server to continue this conversation, suggest new articles, or write ones yourself!



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