This article provides an overview and of Kubemarine — open source tool for Kubernetes designed by Netcracker Cloud core team.

In Netcracker, we build and deliver enterprise-grade cloud ecosystems based on Kubernetes to our customers. Such solutions consist of both enterprise Kubernetes, which we prepare and maintain using the appropriate tools and many managed infrastructure cloud services, such as PostgreSQL, Cloud Streaming, Cloud Queues, etc. Kubemarine is one of these tools we created to solve engineering challenges, and now we are making it Opensource.

What is Kubemarine?

Kubemarine is an open source, lightweight and powerful management tool built for end-to-end Kubernetes cluster deployment and maintenance.

It’s applicable for many purposes like simple and quick onboarding Kubernetes on local and production environments in different HA schemes depending on your aims, budget and capabilities. Together with simplicity Kubemarine can be very flexible and customizable tool covering specific configurability cases on both deployment and maintenance stages. This library provides powerful CLI commands, as well as can be customized via Python extension API.

The tool should be helpful for Cloud and DevOps engineers.

Highlights and what can be done with Kubemarine

  • Easy to use
  • Many procedures supported: install, add_node, remove_node, upgrade, backup, restore, check_iaas, check_paas, manage_psp.
  • Single cluster inventory for all operations, highly customizable
  • Default values of all parameters in configurations with a minimum of required parameters
  • Control planes balancing with external balancers and VRRP
  • Ability to resume or skip specific task without re-running entire pipeline
  • Pre-built plugins out of the box and custom plugins support
  • Support for executing in closed environments with private registries
  • Extended logging, configs dumping
  • Build supported as a package, container and binary
  • Package extension with open extension API
  • Support different deployment schemes (all-in-one, mini-HA, HA, etc.)

Community and contributors

