Build & Install Slackware Packages Automatically

Wielding sbopkg queuefiles

Chris Crawford
6 min readOct 12, 2020


Many popular Linux distributions include a package management system like yum , dnf , or apt . Those package managers make it easy for the user to do something like the following:

In the example above, yum handles downloading and installing any dependencies for software as well as downloading and installing software itself. The user doesn’t need to care how this works. If all goes well, the end result is that software is magically installed.

Slackware’s Package Management System

Slackware Linux takes a different approach.

Slackware’s package management system ( pkgtool, installpkg, removepkg) is stupid simple. It assumes that you, the system administrator, know your system the best. That assumption includes assuming that you are capable of:

  • Compiling or finding your own software.
  • Tracking any dependencies.

That may sound scary and hard, but Slackware gives you a platform and a community that makes doing this kind of thing yourself fairly simple.

Slackware packages are just simple gzipped tarball files. They are all organized using the same simple convention.

Once you’ve acquired a Slackware package for software , installing it is as simple as:

installpkg simply ungizps and untars the software package to the correct location (plus some additional, minimal administrative work). That’s it. It doesn’t handle downloading software . It doesn’t manage dependencies for you. And that’s by design.

Why Do This?

I believe that by practicing system administration this way ultimately results in you becoming a more competent, savvy, and educated system administrator.


The learning curve can be painful, and sometimes you just need software installed right now. Fortunately, Slackware’s keep-it-simple approach lends itself very nicely to simple and straight forward automation.

In the rest of this post, we’ll take a bottom-up approach towards a very automated approach for installing software and their dependencies on Slackware.

Automatically Build & Install Slackware Packages is the Slackware community that enables Slackware users to build their own slackware packages with relative ease.

There are simple instructions on how to use the “SlackBuilds” that are available on the site, and are really worth a read if you’ve never used before. Seriously, go read them.

Assuming you’ve read them, let’s work out a real example.

SlackBuilding jq

jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.

jq does not come with Slackware, out of the box. So let’s use to go ahead and build it.

This is the link to the current jq SlackBuild for Slackware 14.2:

Note: This may not work if you’ve configured your Slackware 14.2 system to use Slackware-Current.

Notice the This requires line. That tells us that we need to go and build all SlackBuilds listed before we attempt to build this one. In our case, jq only has one: oniguruma.

So, building a SlackBuild turns into a depth-first traversal through This requires lines. This can be a major pain, if it turns out there are tons of dependencies and probably drives people to use yum or apt .

Fortunately, there is a simple solution that spares you the pain of doing this by hand, which we will get to later. For now, let’s go ahead and see about building oniguruma:

Build & Install oniguruma

Thankfully, no dependencies required here.

This is the key part to any page on

Building a SlackBuild always follows this general approach:

A SlackBuild script always finishes by telling you where the Slackware package was created for you. In our case:

So, we’ll go ahead and install it:

Now that we’ve installed the dependencies ofjq , we’re all set to go ahead and build and install jq itself.

Build and Install jq

Back to the jq SlackBuild page:

We’ve taken care of dependencies, so on to the main event!


Install it:


Moar Automated!

Compared to yum install jq , the process we just went through still seems like a tremendous pain. Admittedly, it is. Unpacking the reasons why I think going through those motions has a lot of value could really take up an entire post. I’ll just leave a few hints, here:

  • Every *.SlackBuild script is just a simple shell script. You can read them yourself. You should read them. They will teach you a lot about building software for free.
  • You come away with a much better and clearer sense about the origin of your software.


OK, fine. If you’re trying to get stuff done for a day job, you don’t always have time to be in student mode. You’re in the Wild West. You have to shoot first and ask questions later.

Thankfully, for these kinds of situations, there is the wonderful sbopkg project.

Sbopkg is a command-line and dialog-based tool to synchronize with the (“SBo”) repository.

Crucially, sbopkg helps you

  • Automatically download the source code, check the md5sum, and build or build and install a Slackware package from either the original .info file and SlackBuild or the locally-edited copies.
  • Batch queue packages for building or building and installing.
  • Load, save, and use sbopkg queuefiles (.sqf), several of which are included with the package.

Let’s see what that looks like for our jq example.

Install sbopkg

Installation instructions are simple, straight forward and located here:

At the time of this writing, installation looks like this:

Install jq and Its Dependencies

sbopkg has a bunch of great features. I’m not going to cover them. Let’s cut to the chase.

sbopkg has this concept of a “queuefile” — essentially the instructions needed to SlackBuild whatever dependencies are required to SlackBuild and install the software you want. The queuefile does that depth-first traversal of dependencies that we did by hand earlier in this post.

sbopkg uses the file extension .sqf as a naming convention to remind you that a file is a sbopkg queuefile.

sbopkg also comes with a utility named sqgsbopkg queuefile generator.

This all comes together and you use them like so:

And just like that, everything you need is automatically downloaded from, extracted, built, and installed for you.

Bonus Tip: Handling Packages

Certain packages on can take a long time to compile. If you find yourself in a situation where you repeatedly have to compile and install a SlackBuild with a long compile time, it’s much more efficient to compile once, and make a backup resulting *.tgz packages (i.e. on a server, on a USB hard drive, etc.) That way, to install those packages again, there’s no need to spend time compiling the code — all you have to do is use installpkg to install the work you’ve already done.

Have fun!

