Senior Citizen Age Limit Is Reduced to 60

Netive News Portal
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2018

The State Government has positively agreed on the issue of senior citizen age limit from 65 to 60 years. According to Senior Citizen Policy, hospitals which are connected with the medical college will give 5percent cottage reserved for senior citizens. And first priority will be given in the government hospital. Senior citizens will definitely get relief. The decision has been issued in the legislative assembly on 10th July.

Social Justice Minister, Rajkumar Badole, has given Instructions to private doctors, hospitals, trusts to give 50 per cent concession in hospital fees to senior citizens. Considering the better health, relieve stress, financial support, Social justice and special department announced Senior Citizen Policy. Badole also gives strict instruction to all the department regarding the implementation of the policy.

Extra FSI for Old Age Homes –

Badole has given instructions to the City Development that whenever they construct the New Town and Complexes, its Compulsion to set up old age homes, to give ground floor and a specific place to the senior customers. there will be reserved 4 old age homes in each district. Not even this, while sanctioning the plans of the housing societies, there will be a guideline for, Western sanitary toilets, non-wearable tiles, bathrooms, these terms will be mandatory. The residential and non-residential complex also get additional FSI for old age homes.

Safety Helpline senior citizens-

Badole gave notice to Home Minister establishment of the emergency alert system, GPS, internet facility. To create helpline in every district to prevent persecution of senior citizen from various levels. During an emergency, they should take immediate steps to provide health care and safety assistance to the seniors.

Inclusion of values of the senior citizens in the school curriculum-

School Education Department has been asked to realize the problems of senior citizens, include Respect, Mutual cooperation, Brotherhood, love for the seniors.

Committees will be set up at the Senior Citizens’ Welfare Fund on state, district and Municipal Corporation level. Government decision help senior to overcome from harassment, violence, and they can lead the life happily.

