Toxic Blue Bottle Jellyfish spotted at the shores of Mumbai

Netive News Portal
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2018
Toxic Blue Bottle Jellyfish spotted at the shores of Mumbai

The toxic blue bottle jellyfish which is also called as Portuguese man-of-war has been spotted in the beaches of the Mumbai and had stung many people on the shores of Mumbai.

Instances of blue bottle stinging has been reported in Aksa beach. These species are also being spotted in the Juhu Beach. Its better for the Mumbaikars to stay away from the sea as even a dead bluebottle jellyfish can deliver a sting.

The state government has issued an advisory for the people to not to enter the sea as the toxic jellyfish were spotted at Girgaum Chowpatty and Juhu beach. These species are usually spotted around Mumbai during monsoon season as they come to the shores for reproduction. This jellyfish is washed away to the shores by the blowing winds. Usually stinging of this species can kill fishes, they can just cause harm to humans resulting into an unbearable pain. These species are responsible for up to 10,000 human stings in Australia every summer.

“The jellyfish is pulled out to the shores by the blowing winds and the jellyfish is venomous if a person comes in contact with it and it’s sting causes severe pain.”

-Arun Vidhale, the state commissioner for fisheries

Let’s know more about the blue bottle jellyfish:

  • The blue bottle is a jellyfish and it has long tentacles. It attacks one through its tentacles causing severe pain to the predator.
  • The structure and shape of the blue bottle are so attractive that people try to touch it.
  • The pain due to the stinging of the blue bottle might last up to 3 hours.
  • It is commonly found in Indian and Pacific oceans.
  • They grow up to 9–30 cms and can extend themselves up to 15 cms above the sea water.
  • If this stings a person than one must clean the affected with hot water or vinegar and if the pain persists for more time than one must consult a doctor.

