Responsive Day Out 2: Slides and resources from my talk on The Norwegian Cancer Society

Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2014

Listen to the talk at Huffduffer (soundrecording), or find tweets and blogposts from my talk on Storify.

20 minutes feels like 2 seconds when you’re on stage, and to be honest, I could talk forever about this project. We started out in january 2012, and the Norwegian Cancer Society is continually iterating and improving the site.

Resources and links

Here are Core page handouts that you can use with your team or in workshops with your client.

If you’d like to take a closer look, here’s a Google translated version of The Norwegian Cancer Society’s website, or just visit to see it in Norwegian.


20 minutes is not a lot of time, so I’m sure there’s people out there who still have some questions! Leave a comment below, or ask any of these wonderful people on Twitter:

If you’re curious about the process and the core model, here’s a previous presentation from Confab Central 2014, that goes more into detail:

We’ll be in London July 8th

Me and Beate Sørum from The Norwegian Cancer Society will be talking at the Institute of Fundraising’s National Convention on July 8th about digital fundraising and lessons learned from this project.




Digitalbyrå i Oslo og Bergen. Vi lager lager digitale tjenester folk har glede og nytte av.