Powering Business-Led Innovation in a Disrupted World

New collaborative IT services thanks to our Innovate UK grant award

Nick Randall
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2020


We are very pleased to announce that out of the 8,600 applicants, our application was one of 800 proposals to be funded by Innovate UK’s Fast Start Competition. This competition forms part of the UK Government support for small businesses as a result of the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Whats does this mean for SeeThru, our technology partners and their customers?

For SeeThru we get to build our team and deliver our vision of a new approach to service delivery a little more quickly. We will be even more useful right at a point where changes in the work place are crying out for a rethink in the way we technologists support smaller businesses. Providing more joined up support for small businesses as they transform using digital platforms in these extremely challenging times.

For our partners we know that up to and beyond 50% of the support calls they might receive can be for issues that result from services provided by other tech providers. Think E-PoS solutions in a retail environment and how an under-pressure shop owner might call their E-PoS till provider when in fact there is an issue with local WiFi, or Internet connectivity. How does the non-technical business owner get a clear view of what is going on?

By helping digital service providers collaborate to communicate status of services to mutual end user customers — we reduce costs for everyone in the supply chain. The time spent talking to a technical help desk as they explain that the issue lies not with them but with another application provider. A scenario that wastes time for everyone, creates unnecessary friction between customer and provider — which in turn drives up churn. A cycle of waste that drives up costs — both hidden and direct.

Our partners for this project will directly oversee our road map funded by this grant between now and September 2020. They supply technology to Tele-medicine users in the NHS both at a Trust and at a GP surgery level. In addition, they include Internet and IT suppliers working together supporting small businesses. Our partners also represent the high street in the form of Business Improvement Districts. All of these partners are involved in strategic areas with a massively increasing dependence on technology as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to disrupt daily life. Technology that will no doubt be a key platform to enable the post Covid-19 recovery.

In conclusion — Innovate UK and our partners have shown great faith in our proposal and we are looking forward to repaying that trust. There were many fine proposals from dynamic, innovative companies that were unfortunately not funded this time around. We are determined and will deliver the positive outcomes for our partners and their customers identified in our project plan.

More about SeeThru

SeeThru is a low code/no-code platform helping innovative technology providers automate support to enhance their customers experience.
Please feel free to reach out if you’d like more information about the SeeThru approach to Customer Experience. You can find us at https://seethrunetworks.com



Nick Randall

Co-founder of SeeThru Networks. Passionate about improving the customer experience of technology services.