
What I Learned When Work From Home During Coronavirus Outbreak

We can learn and take it as a lesson from anything even in this hard situation.

Dewi Rahayu
NetMonk Space


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COVID-19 or Coronavirus outbreak has made very drastic changes to almost all people’s lives around the world. To reduce its spread, we are asked to practice social distancing, physical distancing, and even our activities in the office, school, and others should be done as much as possible at home. Why? Because by keeping a distance from each other can break its spread. Including in my workplace and just for information I work at an IT start-up based in Jakarta, Indonesia. NetMonk is a network monitoring application that provides network monitoring solutions in your company.

Yup … almost a month I worked from home. But before the command to work from home (WFH) is announced, NetMonk itself allowed us to work remotely with the record that our tasks can be completed properly. So, first of all, it feels good when the government asked us to work from home during the allotted time. Because everything is still working, we still can be connected with colleagues in the office, meetings through video conferences, and updates on work online.

What sets it apart is the situation and the atmosphere. If usually every morning I was in the office, meeting with colleagues, having lunch together, wearing the best clothes I can wear, but now I’m just at home wearing modest clothes. For an introvert like me, this is not a big deal. But over time it also bored me, even an introverted also needs to go outside.

But while working from home during this Coronavirus outbreak, there were many things I could learn including:

  1. NetMonk is the best solution. NetMonk is one of the best network monitoring that can provide solutions for companies while working from home. Go check out the demo here.
  2. Upgrading yourself. During WFH, I became more able to learn other things that I did not have time to do such as cooking, taking online classes, and much more.
  3. Thank You, Internet! What can we do without the internet? The internet is helpful to many people during this pandemic. We can still connect with colleagues, do work smoothly, and others.
  4. The super fun challenge. NetMonk, where I work, held interesting and exciting online challenges for all of us to fill out the WFH to be more useful. Not forgetting also provided a prize for the winner. The challenges are to burn calories, #capabilitychallange, and others.
  5. We’re in this together. Last but not least, even though we are all in an unpleasant situation like this, at least we still have each other. For me, working with the NetMonk team is one of them.

Those are the things I learned when working from home during this Coronavirus outbreak. See? There is always something we can learn from every situation. I am very grateful to be the person who has this privilege because many people are still struggling to make a living and cannot just remain at home. I hope this pandemic will end soon and return to normal. Finally, hope everyone is staying safe and be healthy. Just remember, we’re in this together!

So, what are you gonna do when this is over? Because I would do a lot of things.

