How App Development could revolutionise your business

Netpremacy Global Services
4 min readApr 5, 2024

Organisations work in a variety of ways to meet their industry standards and goals. This can often mean that they have very specific needs for tooling functionality and capability, often exceeding what’s available in the SaaS market.

These gaps can create laborious tasks for users, decreasing efficiency as they work around current functionality and ultimately hindering productivity and innovation.

Netpremacy develops applications that address gaps in the SaaS market, leveraging Google’s comprehensive tooling and development resources. By developing unique applications, we aim to streamline and simplify work processes with automation and integrations, unlocking the full potential of platforms.

Our team works closely with customers to understand their unique requirements to design custom solutions that align with business objectives.

Why Application Development?

There are four main benefits to embarking on Application Development:

App development allows you to enhance your current processes without the need to go out and buy an ‘out of the box’ solution

There will be processes in place that may need modernising or tweaking. Out-of-the-box solutions may offer slight relief to these issues in the short term, but they can be expensive and could require a large amount of adjusting to get them to the point where they improve your specific workflows.

Increase employee productivity by making their job easier

Say, for example, a set of factories is having an issue with visitor tracking.

Most companies require you to sign in. Many companies do this in one of two ways: either through a receptionist who will notify the relevant person of your arrival or by requiring you to sign a visitor book with the time you enter and exit the building.

Now, imagine if they were able to build an app that automated all of this. It would just require a visitor to enter their name or company; the date and time would already be pre-filled. Once the form was submitted, it would send a notification to the relevant person or provide the visitor with instructions. On the way out, the visitor would click on their name and sign out.

The receptionist has been freed up to focus on other tasks and take on other responsibilities across the business. It also means the factory has an electronic record, so if anyone were to enquire, they would have the information at hand.

Automate mundane tasks

We are aware that not every task a workforce needs to complete is exciting, but it doesn’t mean some don’t become tedious and could easily be automated with no disruption to business. By developing an application to eliminate some of these more time-consuming administrative tasks, employees have more time to focus on more innovative work which not only benefits the business but boosts employee morale and engagement.

Create custom products and apps tailored to your business needs, not generic solutions

The beauty of app development is that it allows you to create applications that are specific to your business’s needs rather than more generic solutions.

If a business requires a niche app to tackle a hyperspecific problem or alternatively is looking for a more general app to tackle a large-scale issue, a unique app can be built around your exact specifications, no matter your industry, organisation size or objective.

Why choose Netpremacy for an AppDev project?

The most common question we face from customers when discussing AppDev is:

‘But we have devs. Surely we can just do it ourselves?’

But it’s not always that simple.

Maximising Google’s development tools requires Google-specific experience. Luckily, we have vast experience working with Google APIs and integrations giving us a deep understanding of the limitations and capabilities. In essence, we know Google like the back of our hand.

The other issue many companies face is resource availability. It is often difficult to get dedicated dev time within an organisation. Developers usually prioritize externally facing projects. By offloading your internal requirements to us, we can create apps to solve your business problems, allowing your developers to continue their work unaffected while your business gets the automation it requires.

We have already helped numerous customers develop apps which they have embedded into their business to improve workflows.

One example is Rentokil.

As a result of Covid-19, Rentokil adopted a hybrid working model. Once restrictions began to be loosened, Rentokil employees were asked to return to the office twice a week to keep a level of engagement and interaction with colleagues.

However, to keep their staff safe and adhere to social distancing, they required a tool to help them monitor desk utilisation within the office. They approached Netpremacy to create such a tool.

The tool Netpremacy built reported directly into Google Calendar, letting employees see when other colleagues were booked to go into the office. It also allowed them to choose nearby desks, which ended up enhancing collaboration across teams. Users were able to favourite their preferred location within the office to make the process quicker for them.

The app was such a success that even after restrictions were lifted, Rentokil looked to embed it into their global infrastructure outside of the UK.

If you want to be our next AppDev success story or learn more about the endless possibilities, find out more below and contact us today!

