The Power of Diversity: Why We Need More Women Shaping Tech’s Future

Lara Vafiadis
Netpremacy Global Services
3 min readMay 10, 2024
Me speaking to a room full of IT Leaders.

Imagine a room buzzing with creativity, a hub of brilliant minds tackling the world’s toughest problems. But there’s a catch: everyone in the room shares the same background, education, and perspective. Unfortunately, this is the potential future of the tech industry if we don’t actively encourage more women to join.

This wasn’t always my vision. Back in my teenage years, tech felt like a distant, uninviting world. Like many young girls, I never saw myself reflected in the industry’s leaders. Fast forward to today, and I’m a testament to the exciting possibilities that tech careers offer. But the truth is, the industry is missing out on a vast pool of talent and ingenuity by not having more women at the table.

Technology is the invisible hand shaping our world, from the way we connect with friends to the medical advancements that keep us healthy. Shouldn’t the minds crafting these tools represent the rich tapestry of our experience? Diversity isn’t just a tick-box exercise; it’s a superpower for innovation.

Think about it this way: a team of engineers from similar backgrounds might approach a problem from a single angle. But bring together a woman who grew up in a rural part of the UK with a coding whiz from London, and suddenly, a whole new dimension of solutions emerges. Women bring unique perspectives fuelled by different experiences and cultural nuances. They challenge assumptions and push boundaries, leading to a richer and more dynamic problem-solving process.

Beyond Innovation: Collaboration is Key

Diversity isn’t just about creating better tech; it’s about ensuring it works for everyone. Women are not only talented problem solvers but also adept at communication, collaboration, and consensus. In a field that thrives on teamwork, these strengths are essential for bringing complex tech projects to life.

Imagine a team developing a new healthcare app. A woman engineer with a background in public health might suggest features that address specific needs faced by women, while a male developer with a focus on accessibility might ensure the app is usable by everyone. This collaborative approach leads to more comprehensive and inclusive tech solutions.

Building a Brighter Future: A Call to Action

So, to all the young girls out there wondering if tech is a place for you, the answer is a resounding yes. The industry craves your curiosity, your passion for making a difference, and the brilliance you bring to the world. We need you to question the status quo, dream up game-changing ideas, and be the leaders who shape the future we’ll all inhabit.

Don’t Wait to Get Started

The tech industry is brimming with opportunities, and there is a wealth of resources available to help you get started. Organisations like Tech She Can, whose vision is for women to be equal members in creating and developing the new technology businesses, products, and services that shape our world, ensuring technology works for all and Girls Who Code, whose mission is to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does.

Additionally, consider reaching out to women currently working in tech. Many are passionate about mentoring the next generation and can offer invaluable guidance and support. There are also online communities and forums specifically for women in tech, offering a space to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other.

Together, we can create a future where tech is a welcoming and inclusive space fuelled by the power of diverse minds. The possibilities are endless!

Let’s rewrite the narrative. Tech isn’t a boys’ club; it’s a vibrant, diverse community waiting to be enriched by your contributions. Dive in and make your mark!

