Hashtag “thankful,” but for what?

Jacqueline Quill
Netra Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2017

How a simple photo feed reveals our greatest blessings.

It’s that time of year, the week where everyone happens to be “thankful” for something. More thankful than usual? Or just compelled to share it this week more than ever? Whatever the case, consumers are happier than ever to share the moments that they are #thankful, #blessed, #grateful for with the rest of the world

Thankful, for what? That is the golden question. What makes me thankful? Why do I feel so blessed? I’ll tell you one thing, it surely is not written in a comment or hashtag. But, you know where it is spelled out — my photo feed.

A quick scan of my photo feed, using Image Recognition, sums me up in seconds. More than 45% of my photos revolve around the water: beach, wakeboarding, boating, sand. Anyone who knows me can attest that I’d give my soul to be a mermaid, I’d wake board by myself if I had a driver-less boat, and I wouldn’t trade a day down the Cape if you paid me.

But here’s the thing: nine times out of ten, no accompanying hashtag, text, or comment in my photo feed captures how passionate I am about being by the water. Instead, generic terms like “happy”, “blessed”, “thankful”, and “nobaddays” accompany my posts. Because that’s the reality — when I’m around water, I’m happiest.

That, and with my family. Another 52% of my photos include one or all of my crazy brothers, princess sister, and rock star parents.

Now, wouldn’t that be nice for marketers to know I’d spend a lot of money to be at the beach or on the water with my motley crew of siblings?

I don’t want ads about golf, makeup, or designer jeans. But yes — please send me ads for discount swimwear, fishing gear, and beach games. It’s in my photos, in all of our photos, where we openly share our affinities with the world: who we spend our time with, what we value, and where we spend our money.

Scan my friends’ feeds, and I’m positive their photos portray completely different stories; a rock star baby momma, a selfless elementary school teacher, a whimsical yoga instructor. Whoever you choose, their photos define them — their stories, their passions, their happiest moments, and greatest accomplishments.

This week, I challenge you all to take a look at your photo feed. What were the moments worth posting about, who were you with, and what were you doing? I’m certain that if you are questioning exactly what to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, you’ll know.



Jacqueline Quill
Netra Blog

blistabloc co-founder, sneaker loving entrepreneur determined to make heels as comfortable as possible.