Netra News statement re: DSA/Rangpur

Tasneem Khalil
Netra News
Published in
Aug 24, 2022

Malmö 2022–08–24

Netra News takes note of reports in the Bangladeshi press about a case filed under the Digital Security Act in Rangpur, Bangladesh. The case names Netra News and one of the survivors of enforced disappearance in Bangladesh who appeared in our latest investigation (আয়নাঘরের বন্দী, Secret prisoners of Dhaka) into a secret prison run by the Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI). As a public interest journalism platform, registered with the Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority, we follow the highest standards in journalism and fully stand by our reporting. We are also offering our full support to the survivors, for any legal challenges they may face for their participation in our investigation.

/Tasneem Khalil

Editor-in-Chief (ansvarig utgivare)
Netra News



Tasneem Khalil
Netra News

Editor, journalist, author: *Jallad: Death squads and state terror in South Asia* (Pluto Press, 2016)