The Bangladesh government strategy: noise and distraction

Netra News
Netra News
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2021
Screenshot taken from the Al Jazeera film, “All the Prime Minister's Men”

Take note of the response of the Bangladesh government, and its supporters, to the Al Jazeera film, "All the Prime Minister's Men" . It has much thunder and lightening involved, a great deal of false accusations and vilification of all those involved in the film, and talk of 1971, Jamaat, money, conspiracy, and Tarique Rahman.

However, at the same time the government, army and their spokesmen are completely silent about the most critical allegations against General Aziz Ahmed, the Chief of Army Staff. These are as follows:

• that Haris Ahmed and Anis Ahmed, both brothers of the current army chief General Aziz Ahmed, are fugitives from justice, convicted of murder;

• that Haris has forged education, marriage and birth certificates under a fake name, obtained a new national identity card and passport with this fake identity, traveled to Europe and elsewhere on it, and in the process committed a wide range of offences;

• that whilst he was head of the BGB, his brother Aziz Ahmed, the man who was to become the head of the whole army, was fully aware of this fabrication, and assisted his brother, Haris, in traveling on this fake passport to Hungary as well as to set up businesses using fake ID documents including bank statements;

• that in doing so Aziz also obtained the assistance of a number of BGB officers who signed fake documents verifying to their genuineness.

• that Aziz subsequently met Haris in Hungary and inspected his brothers' businesses;

• and that Aziz Ahmed also met his other fugitive brother, Anis Ahmed, also convicted of murder, in Malaysia.

The reason for the noise is to try and hide the silence. Because the government, the army, Aziz and his brothers have no answers to the allegations, the government has embarked on a strategy that involves it in making a torrent of distractions and false allegations.

// DB



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