“I come home feeling charged up and able to face what’s coming.”

Netroots Nation
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2016

Shayera Tangri is a stalwart DailyKos and Netroots Nation community membe. She’s been to every Netroots convention and both Yearly Kos conventions as well. Shayera shares with us some of the things she’s looking forward to in Atlanta, GA this year — let’s take a look:

What’s your funniest Netroots Nation story?

The best thing about Pub Quiz are the costumes. This is Team Notorious RBGs (Ruth Bader Ginsbergs)

For me, the funniest things always happen at the Chairman’s Pub Quiz. Every year something will have me in hysterics. In 2015, when Team Shock and Awe (the staff team) came dressed as Ruth Bader Ginsberg had me in stitches. I laughed until tears ran from my eyes. The first year of Pub Quiz, I actually played. My team seemed to be made up of people floating in and out. At one point, [long time activist and former California state senator] Tom Hayden stopped to talk to one of the people playing on the team and stayed to answer a round.

What’s one lesson or skill you learned at Netroots Nation?

That not every lesson will be learned in a meeting room. NN attendees have such a wide scope of experiences that being open and listening to what they have to say will always be rewarding. I come home feeling charged up and able to face what’s coming.

Tell us about your most meaningful Netroots moment.

A couple years ago Howard Dean did a conversation with, I think, Ari Melber, about his campaign. It was amazing. Completely candid. The room was totally jammed, with people on the floor, and out the door. There were so many people who’d become involved in the netroots because of that campaign that were in the room. I really brought home how far we’d come in what is really a very short time.

Tell us about a connection or friendship you made at Netroots Nation.

The best part of Netroots is the friendships we make.

I think I look back to the very first Yearly Kos, when I first got a chance to put a face to so many of the names I knew from the internets. I didn’t know a single person in real life before I got there. I went home knowing and staying in touch with some of the best people I’ve ever known. I have a friend now in real life that I met at NN. We’ve been pals since the first time we met.

What’s your best Netroots Nation survival tip?

Know that a good night’s sleep isn’t going to happen. Just go with it. Also, hydrate. And bring a sweater Because the conference center will try and freeze you.

What are you looking forward to the most about NN17 in Atlanta, GA?

We’re spread out across the country but it’s like no time has passed when we see each other at Netroots Nation.

I think I’m most looking forward to catching up with friends from all across the country. It’s been quite a year. I want to hear from them in person, instead of just reading about what’s been happening.

Join us in Atlanta, GA for the 12th annual Netroots Nation convention, August 10–13, 2017!



Netroots Nation

The largest annual gathering of progressives in the US. Join us in St. Louis, MO July 14–17, 2016.