I turned to a complete stranger and was able to have a moment of connection.

Netroots Nation
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2016

As the Director of Social Media Strategy for Moms Rising, Anita Jackson has been a member of the Netroots Nation community for years. She looks forward to connecting with fellow travelers and organizers at the Convention, where discussion in a hallway or a session could shape important conversations in this election year. Let’s see what she’s looking forward to this year:

What's your funniest Netroots Nation story?

The funniest Netroots stories are told by our professional comedian storytellers! Emily Epstein White kills it every time. Nik Dodani also took the stage during the Drinking Liberally comedy show and just nailed it, the (sometimes hilarious!) experience of being a first-generation American.

What’s one lesson or skill you learned at Netroots Nation?

Standing up for water rights in Detroit, NN 2014.

Lesson: Be ready to talk with the media! They are legion at Netroots! There are so many writers and reporters looking to cover the event thoroughly and with integrity; it's a wonderful opportunity to tell your story to a wider public that can't be with us in person.

Tell us about your most meaningful Netroots moment.

After the Black Lives Matter demonstration in 2015, the very next session I went to was on LGBTQ organizing and storytelling, I believe. The moderator decided to go off-script and devote some time to facilitating conversation among participants about what happened. I turned to a complete stranger and was able to have a moment of connection and meaningful analysis. We were able to listen to each other and learn, thanks to the demonstration and this moderator who saw what was called for in the moment and heeded it.

Tell us about a connection or friendship you made at Netroots Nation.

This is the hardest one to answer because this is what Netroots is all about! There are so many connections and friendships I've made at Netroots. From organizers to Congresspeople and Hill staff, from artists to developers, and many grassroots organizers. There are so many energized people to connect with!

What's your best Netroots Nation survival tip?

Do what you need to do to be able to make connections! Some people will be always on, at every panel, session, training, breakout, and party. Others will need to take breathers in their schedules. There is SO much to do and so many people to meet at Netroots, so take care of yourself physically and mentally so you can be as present as possible.

What are you looking forward to the most about NN16 in St. Louis?

Meeting up with friends at NN 2012!

I'm most excited about reconnecting with folks I haven't seen in a year or more, and about connecting with new folks! This is an election year, so hearing from other participants about their work and what's resonating with their circles will be more important than ever. We will be shaping the political conversation in our nation together. I so look forward to it.

Join us in St. Louis, MO for the 11th annual Netroots Nation convention, July 14–17, 2016!



Netroots Nation

The largest annual gathering of progressives in the US. Join us in St. Louis, MO July 14–17, 2016.