Administering Networking OS — Working With Files and Directories #6

College Online Material

Ghifari Nur
3 min readMay 3, 2021


Working With Files and Directories

Files and Directories

  • File contains data (text, graphics, etc)
  • Directories store filenames
  • Top-level directory is / (root)

Directory Path

  • Direction to a specific file or dir.
  • The direction was given from / are called “absolute” paths
  • The direction given from the current directory is called “relative” paths

The Home Directory

  • Each user has a home directory
  • Typically /home/bob for a user named bob
  • A place to store your own files
  • Normally, users can’t access the home dir. of other users
  • ~ symbolizes the home dir.

Current Directory

  • The directory that your shell is currently in
  • Can be displayed with the pwd command

Changing Directories

  • Use cd command
  • With no arguments, take you to your home dir.
  • ~bob would refer to bob’s home dir.

Absolute Vs. Relative Pathnames

  • Absolute pathnames always provide directions from the root directory
  • Relative pathnames always provide direction from the current directory
  • To refer to one dir. above current dir, use the .. char
  • To refer to the current dir, use the . char

Manipulating Files

Listing Files in A Directory

  • List files with the ls command
  • The different file type may be highlighted by colored filenames
  • The display of filenames in color is the result of the — color option

Common ls Options

  • Example

-a display all files, including hidden files

-l long display listing

-h Give file sizes in human-readable sizes

-R Recursive listing

-S Sort output based on file size

-t Sort output based on modification time

-d Don’t display directory contents

Copying Files

  • The cp command copies files

–v option to display copy process

–i to prompt overwrites

–n to avoid overwrites

–r to copy directory structures

Moving Files

  • The mv command files
  • The mv command also is used to rename files
  • The supported option that works the same as the cp command

–v option to display copy process

–i to prompt overwrites

–n to avoid overwrites

Creating Files

  • Editors can be used to create files
  • Use touch command to create an empty file
  • The touch command all updates the modification timestamp of a file

Removing Files

  • The rm command is used to delete files
  • File deletion is permanent
  • Use -i to avoid accidental deletion when using globs
  • Delete dir. with the -r option or rmdir if the directory is completely empty

Making Directories

  • Use mkdir command to create directories

