Brave to Connect

Richard Zhou
Networking ability
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2018

Participating in networking and improve this ability are very important. There are plenty of opportunities to networking in our daily life. We should bravely to network with people. For me, as a sophomore student, I join to the Beta Alpha Psi (an honor organization for accounting, finance and information system students) to learn and practice my networking ability. Although I am still a half member of this organization due to the age, different technical presentations benefit me a lot. Today I am going to share my networking experience.

Tax Panel

The tax panel was hold on Wednesday, February 5th in Jacobs 110 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. The BAP invited eight Pwc employees who graduated at UB to share their experience and to answer some questions. During the panel, I asked them how to get their first internship when they were UB students? They answered prepare your resume and apply those internships interested to you on Bizlink. If fail to get the internship, find the problem and revise it. Additionally, maintaining a good grade is also a fundamental element. After this panel, I came to the front desk to ask a youngest employee, Chris. He graduated at 2010, and he said the first internship he got from professor Amo’ recommendation. After that, he got a job in a small company mostly due to that internship. He advanced me to get a job in a small company first. Because it is a good way to practice and improve yourself if you want to get in the Big Four later. Moreover, Chris also mentioned networking is important too. He said he got the internship might because of good networking with the professor. Also, when attending technical like today, you should ask whatever you want to know. That’s a good way to connect with people. At last, I get Chris’s contact and get to know two junior schoolmates.

who I get connected? And what I will do?

I get to know two older junior schoolmates and connect with graduate schoolmate Chris. These new relationships are due to networking ability, and I benefit from this. So I will keep to join some technical to practice my networking ability. What’s more important, I will research more information to find different ways to improve networking ability.

