Another View on Networking

Ayman Hussein
Networking is important
2 min readMar 5, 2018

Ways to improve your networking skills

There are many different ways to improve your networking skills, but it does take a lot of practice. I have worked on my networking skills for over a week, but I am definitely not perfect. I want to perfect my networking skills, so I have researched and found many different cool tips on how to become a better networker. Larry Kim, the CEO of Mobile Monkey, and founder of WordsStream has many greats ideas on how to become a better networker. According to Kim “shy people struggle with starting conversations with strangers, but planning ahead can help reduce your anxiety.” (Lee, 2016) In other words, many people tend to be shy especially when they are meeting someone for the first time, but by planning a few things to say ahead of time can help reduced shyness. When meeting with business professionals it is always important to know a few things about their company and prepare a few questions to keep a conversation going. Planning ahead can lead to a great conversation, and possible even an interview. Networking is a very powerful tool, but it can be tricky.

Larry Kim is a very successful man in the business world, and he also believes that networking is one of the best soft skills to have. He explains many different tips to help others become better networkers. For example, Kim Lee writes “In conversation, listen, then ask questions to take the attention off of yourself and onto the other person. Don’t feel that you have to fill every conversational void with babble about yourself.” In other word Lee is stating that when communicating you should always listen very carefully to what the other person is saying, before adding your own thoughts. People tend to be shy so by listening and not revolving the conversation about yourself could help settle you down if worried. Having the business professional or who ever you are communicating with get to know you is very important, but talking about yourself too much can harm the conversation. In my opinion, the best piece of advice I can give everyone based on my experience is just to be you. There is only one you, and that maybe enough in it-self to help you build new connections.

Kim, L. (2016, July 14). 7 Painless Networking Hacks for Introverts — The Mission — Medium. Retrieved March 05, 2018, from

