Today’s Experience with Networking

Ayman Hussein
Networking is important
2 min readMar 5, 2018

Today my networking skills played an important role with my job search. As I am a junior in accounting, it is time to find a summer internship to help build a stronger resume. Interning is very important in the accounting world, mainly because it usually leads to full time employment opportunities. In a school that is well known for its accounting program, internships are hard to come by, especially considering that most accounting students have similar goals. In order to improve my standing I used my networking skills to reach out to people who work at one of the companies I would like to intern for. My brother and cousin both work for Ernest and Young, and big four accounting company that I would love to work for. My networking skills were really tested today, because I reached out to my brother and a few of his colleagues asking for their advice on how to land the interning position. Having a connection with one employee lead me to talking to many employees, which is why I feel networking is so important. Speaking to my brother and his colleagues really helped me understand what EY is really looking for, and learned many new tips on how to stand out. Networking is a skill that I must master, because it is all about who you know in the business world.

How did I network with the EY employees?

Having one great connection can be all you need when it comes to networking, mainly because your connection most likely has connections as well. This proved to be true today, because my brother introduced me to many different EY employees, where they all gave me advice and tips on how to be successful in my job search and as an accounting student. A good word from my brother made the other employees want to talk to me and help me with the problems I was facing. So throughout the day, I have talked to a number of different professionals and have built new friendships with many of them. Simple emailing and communication has made my job search easier than I ever thought it would be. Networking is very important, no matter who you are.

