What is Networking?

Ayman Hussein
Networking is important
2 min readMar 5, 2018

My thoughts on Networking.

Over these past few days I have been thinking to myself, what is networking? Is networking really important? Well the answer to that question is yes, networking is important. Networking is something that can lead to new opportunities and friendships. Creating new relationships can change your life, because that new connection may have a great opportunity that they are looking to fill. People trust their friends, so they can trust them with their business, rather than a person they do not fully know. My thoughts on networking only added to my motivation to try and improve my networking skills, because you just never know who are going to meet.

How I practiced networking

Today, I spent most of my day studying for an accounting exam, that will be extremely difficulty. As I am studying I found myself thinking that I could use some help studying, so I attended the tutoring hours today. While sitting in the review session, I noticed that a student from my class was answering a lot of the questions asked. This made me think that today would be a great day to practice my networking skills. So after the review session, I stepped out my comfort zone and went and talked to Mike. (the student answering all the questions) I introduced myself and told him about my hardships studying today, which worked out for me. He spent the next couple hours explaining topics that I did not understand. This experience helped me understand why creating new connections is such a great tool.

Have my networking skills improved?

I feel that my networking skills have improved greatly, because I was able to communicate with my peer and exchange contact information with them. I am building new connections everyday, and improving my communication skills. I use to be scared to start a conversation, but now it is something that I feel comfortable doing. The only way to get better is to practice, and I plan to keep on doing that by continuing to make new connections.

