You Live and you Learn

Ayman Hussein
Networking is important
2 min readMar 5, 2018

My Experience

Over the past weekend I attended a career fair with my brother, and I learned a lot of new things. The thing I learned the most about is how important networking is and why it is a skill that I am trying to perfect. The number of business profession that I met over this past weekend and spoke to really made me feel like I was important. Speaking to people who have already made it to where you want to be is very inspirational and motivated me to be better than I already am. Having conversations and getting to know people is a huge part of networking, which is why I used this career fair to help me better my networking skills. One experience that really stood out to me was speaking to a Bloomberg, where we spoke about what Bloomberg has to offer and why it is such a great place to work. Listening to the professional made me think that I would love to work there in the near future, so I wanted to the Bloomberg employee to remember me. Networking helped me achieve my goal because my uncle is a long time employee at Bloomberg and he happened to know my uncle. My connection or relationship with my uncle helped me set myself up for success, because Nicholas the Bloomberg told me “You must be a great man, if your uncle is Mohammed.” After having that conversation it seemed like I was talking to a friend that I have known for a long time.

Have my networking skills improved?

Yes, my networking skills have improved greatly over this past week, because I feel as if I can have a conversation with anyone. Also, the number of business cards I have received in the past week is more than I have received my whole college career. I started only having six business cards and now I have over twenty of them, which shows how much my networking skills have increased. My thinking on networking has always been positive, and after these past few experiences I do not think it will ever change. Speaking and getting to know people is how I plan to keep practicing my networking skills, because it has yet to fail me.


