5 time management tips for a working girl in the post-industrial age.

Angelique Spollino-Schuma
Neu Citizen
Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2015

By Angelique Schumacher

Ahh yes… time management. I’m sure those two words are silly to most working moms. Because everything revolves around your kids, right?! Are they healthy today or blowing snot bubbles? (Rule of thumb: If it’s clear, you’re in the clear.) Were you up every couple hours last night because all your child’s teeth decided to come in at one time? Or how about the circus rodeo every morning to get breakfast on the table, lunch packed, teeth and hair brushed, bow or clip in the hair (I gave up on that one) and just getting clothes on their backs.

Sound exhausting yet?

Okay, now let’s start the work day… In advertising. Relaunching global hospitality brands, managing clients, deadlines and bringing new business to the table.

So, how do I juggle all the balls in the air: mom, career, wife, friend etc.?

Piece of cake. Just don’t look in the mirror or shower for days at a time. And give all my energy into everything I do, because all are equally important. Of course being a mom always comes first.

Now, what’s the key to my time management success?

1. Find a flexible job

Luckily, my position allows me to work from home most days. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish in 7 hours of just straight work without the “Hey, I am just stopping by your desk because I had to complain about the awful traffic on the drive here, and I am just so exhausted from that commute, aren’t you?” conversations. According to a 2014 survey by salary.com, 89% of people admit to wasting time in the office.

I am fortunate, my company sought me out. But trust me, there are plenty of remote/telecommute positions out there. Sign up for flexjobs.com. They offer a free 30 day trial. Also, put the word out there on social media that you are looking, and state specifically your wants and needs. Go ahead, be picky.

Note: Remote positions aren’t for everyone. There are many distractions from home as well and it takes great discipline to learn to ignore the pile of dishes, baskets of laundry and sea of toys covering your living room floor. Ignore those items and you’ll be an awesome telecommuter!

2. Make your to-do lists before anything else

After I drop my daughter off at daycare, I come home and make my to-do list for the day. I am a visual person, so I still need to hand write my list into a day-by-day planner and then scratch off tasks as I complete them. There is something about looking at your list at the end of the day and seeing how much you accomplished. Whiteboards are also very useful and fun, too. Just keep the dry erase markers out of reach from small children.

3. Set email reminders in your electronic calendar

I’m not going to lie. My husband taught me this one. He’s also in sales and showed me that you can drag and drop an email into a specific day on your calendar and then set an alert/reminder to follow up with that person. How cool is that?

4. Delegate, prioritize and set deadlines

This one is tough for me and for most because we feel like we have to be superheroes and do everything ourselves. According to docstoc.com, “Poor time management comes from poor delegation. Most workers tend to take on more than they can manage, either as a personal challenge or because they want to show their bosses they can handle the workload.” If resources are limited, talk to your boss about what’s on your list and help you prioritize. Assign internal deadlines for tasks that don’t have a set due date.

5. Just breathe

Above all else, take deep breaths and know that work is going to be there for you tomorrow. I suffer from stress and high anxiety levels — and while that anxiety sometimes gives me the fuel I need to run on, it’s not healthy. I try to take at least a few minutes to walk outside or enjoy a yoga session on youtube. It’s amazing what just 20 minutes of stretching can do. Especially if you’re in the chair for hours straight.

So now that I’ve let you in on few of my tricks, try creating some of your own. And know that the bigger the bag, the better. Don’t us moms know that is the truth? Happy Mother’s Day to my fellow super women!

Angelique Schumacher is an Associate Partner at Neu Citizen specializing in client services, project management and “Neu” business. Her client list encompasses major hotel and hospitality brands, including CityCenter, The Grand Del Mar, and most recently, Hilton. She is also the proud mother of two-year old, Kaitlyn Aria featured here.

