Getting Started — 2 years to go

William Treseder
Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2016

A few months ago I sent out an email. Nothing special about that, except for the content. The messaged asked for advice from about 30 friends and mentors who I deeply respect.

Why did I need their advice?
Because I was starting on an audacious plan. I am raising money to invest in homegrown businesses in West Africa, starting in Lagos, Nigeria.

Why invest in Nigeria?
Because it’s the largest and fastest growing market in Africa. Because I already have a deep network and on-the-ground experience there. Because the people there won my heart with their optimism and energy. Because it’s a compelling mission.

Being married to a Nigerian doesn’t hurt, either.


I set myself the goal of getting started by October 2018 at the absolute latest. The email was a first shot in the dark. The goal was to take action and immediately start collecting feedback.

And so I did. And learned a lot really fast.

