My first fund-raising email

William Treseder
Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2016

Here it is, in all it’s glory.

And the feedback I immediately received from a bunch of smart folks:
1) I wrote “city” instead of “country”.
2) % area isn’t interesting, but % of total population is.
3) The cities are too far apart, creating a “tyranny of distance” problem.
4) I don’t address whether these areas also have the hottest tech hubs.
5) Nothing about this indicates why I would be the person to raise this fund.
6) How do I ensure that I reach out to the “right” people ASAP?
7) What’s the investment thesis? Is there a sector?
8) How much $ would I put into investments vs keep for follow-on deals?
9) Is this about “copy and paste” for US businesses or is it more localized?
10) What does an exit look like, and how is the environment changing?

I immediately dove into follow-up conversations, which I’ll detail more in the future. But at least I’ve cataloged the very first concrete action, however embarrassing parts of it may be…


