Data Frames… with Donuts | Neural Network Basics

Zach Graves
Neural Network Nodes
3 min readJul 5, 2022


Data frames are a method of handling data in common coding environments for data science (R, python). They are designed to allow for easy data manipulation so that data scientists can visualize, augment, and model data.

Illustrations by author

Welcome to Neural Network Nodes where we cover deep learning and neural networks in small parts. These nodes link together to form a general knowledge base, much like the networks themselves…

What is a Data Frame?

It is easy to visualize a data frame as a table in spreadsheet software that many people are familiar with (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, etc.) and function in much of the same way. They consist of a series of cells grouped into rows and columns.

Application… with Donuts!

As is standard at Neural Network Nodes, we will imagine using data frames as a baker who uses their data science skills to run an efficient business.

