Darwin Was a Slacker and You Should Be Too 🐵

Jordan Michaelides
Published in
5 min readMay 1, 2017

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image: Nautilus
image: Matt Cherubino

— Random —

We’re always told to listen to our elders — such a cliche.

But sometimes there’s a lot of inherent value in cliches. While dumb people get old too, you have to imagine that 100+ year olds have learnt some nuggets along the way.

I quite enjoyed these life lessons from 100-Year Olds.

— Neuro —

🤔 How the Method of Loci (or Memory Palace) changes your brain

I first learnt about the memory palace, years ago, while reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. Surprisingly the Memory Palace, a very ancient technique, is quite common amongst professional memory champions. When I meditate, I often try to use it to retain and work on core memories to my professional development. You can learn about how to use it here (video), and read about the imaging conducted on people using Memory Palace’s.

🍄 How to Improve Your Life Context

The research on the impacts of psychedelics on mental health is exponentially gathering pace. Since a landmark piece of research conducted at John Hopkins University (for cancer patients with anxiety/depression), the search to understand what long term impacts these drugs can have is trending. One of the largest assumptions is that psychedelics don’t treat the person’s illness, but their life context. This is important because I think it shows that putting a bandaid on a life problem with antidepressants is no answer to anxiety or depression (having had anxiety myself). For those wanting to investigate mushrooms in particular, please be safe and make sure you use a tool like Shroomery.Org.

— Mental Models —

😠 Oh my, Impatient Generation!

For anyone suffering from impatience like I do. Remember — patience is key, everybody wants to be something NOW. It takes years of building knowledge and persistence to build anything remarkable.

🐵 Darwin Was a Slacker and You Should Be Too

Many famous scientists have something in common — they didn’t work long hours, and they were able to achieve quality work in the first few hours of their day. QUALITY READ.

🤔 Mind Hacks

Brilliant reads for those wanting to navigate their cognitive biases.

😎 Creating Uselessness in Life

A valuable mental model for creating slack in your life. Ask yourself, how useless are you being?

image: Nautilus

— Business —

😢 The Loneliness of Leadership

This is a brilliant discussion with Tim Cook (CEO, Apple). The one thing that stands out to me is how lonely leadership (as CEO, Owner, other) can truly be. A great read nonetheless.

📣 How to find & build 1000 true fans (A Lesson in Self Promotion)

Kevin Kelly & Tim Ferriss have often spoken about the importance of having 1000 true fans, but never really covered how to go about finding those 1000 true fans. In this interview, Tim discusses this — definitely worth the watch for those wanting to start a business. MUST WATCH.

🏙️ Cities Live Forever, Companies Don’t

Most business owners think about legacy when they’re building their company. But the reality is that your business isn’t like to survive for centuries. When you look into this reality, it’s the pure fact that population growth will always continue to grow a city (so long as there’s a reason to stick around). But for a company, even if you’re a monopoly, you can only grow as far as consumers are willing to go. Perhaps building a city would be a smarter idea?

📉 Is the market overvalued? A perennial question

As a value investor, the easiest way to check is stock market valuations from GuruFocus. Right now, the stock market in both Australia is significantly overvalued, so that’s slightly worrying. However, what’s more worrying is when Robert Shiller starts piping up. Always listen when Shiller (a nobel laureate) is saying the market is overvalued — he was the only academic to call the bubble in the dotcom boom & housing crisis. His indices are also used widely across the finance sector.

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