Indifference is a mind hack 🤔

Jordan Michaelides
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2016
Image: Matt Cherubino

It’s been a busy week for us here at Neuralle.

We’re nearly at the end of our rebrand after deliberating over different design styles — you shall see this rolled out over the coming fortnight. Below is a previewof the new logo & name. Let us know what you think!

We’re going to be flying through podcast recordings over the next fortnight. It seems that the holiday break has allowed numerous people to free up some time. This week we’re interviewing Ren Butler; Melbourne’s Market Manager for BlueChilli Group by day, Founder of The Whisky Social, by night. If you have any questions you wanted to ask her reply to this email with yours, and I may just ask it.

This will be our last newsletter before the holiday break, of which we’ll be using the time to recalibrate and recharge. Expect a newsletter from us into the first few weeks of January — have a great time off and enjoy this week’s articles.

Random morsels to get smarter —
This week’s curation for your enjoyment.

The Sheer Delight of Google Earth Timelapse

I can always trust Wait But Why for great content. This Google Earth Time Lapse tool is great; Tim Urban has created some nice little snippets of places that have dramatically changed over the last twenty years. It would be pretty awesome to get a David Attenborough-like voiceover to discuss the changes in each place too.

Image: Wait But Why, Shanghai Shot

The State of Technology at the end of 2016

This is Stratechery’s take on the year that’s been for the tech industry. What’s interesting to note is the weight he puts on tech companies now being the incumbent establishment; i.e. the five of the top eight firms by market cap are now tech companies for Silicon Valley.

Image: Wired

The Unusual Books that Shaped 50+ Billionaires, Mega-Bestselling Authors & Others

Here’s an exceptional booklist from Tim Ferriss’ guests on his podcast. I’ve read quite a few of these and can attest to their quality. Next year we’re thinking about emailing our notes for books or podcasts we’ve also read or listened to. Would this be interesting? If so, let us know.

Image: Tim Ferriss, Four Hour Work Week Blog

Controlling a Hand Exoskeleton With Your Mind

This one for me is really cool. I’ve been reading a lot into EEG machines, and came across this exoskeleton research from IEEE, assisting people with disabilities to fully utilise their hands again. The guy’s satisfaction at the end of the video after eating the chip is awesome.

Image: Tim Ferriss, Four Hour Work Week Blog

Non-Obvious lessons from a Startup

Valuable lessons from BrightRoll founder Tod Sacerdoti after selling the business. Gems include; Overspend, Don’t Innovate, Focus on Edge Cases, Be Tribal & more.

Image: Tod Sacerdoti, Medium

Why Stoicism is the best mind hack

There’s two schools of philosophy that I quite enjoy; Stoicism & First Principles. While I’ve found Existentialism & Objectivism useful, this article may gives reasons for why Stoicism is better for dealing with modern day life and far more practical than most other forms of philosophy.

Image: 99u

The Economics of Machine Intelligence

This is a fantastic article for those wanting to understand the real life implications of machine intelligence. In essence, machine intelligence is a prediction technology, the prevalence of it will create a tectonic shift in the cost of prediction. Therefore, judgement will become more valuable.

Image: 99u

Which morsel was your favourite?

What lessons do you want more or less of? Let us know!

Just send a tweet to @Neuralle and put #MondayMorsels in there so we can find it.

Happy reading,

Jordan & team @

Neuralle is focused on Human Intelligence (H.I.) to dramatically increase the output of business owners & quality of life of high performers.

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