Morsel #2— How to deload your monkey mind 🐵

Jordan Michaelides
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2017

Read the rest of the article and its other morsels on our blog.

Image: Tim Ferriss Blog
Image: Matt Cherubino

Four and a bit years ago, I returned from a deep six-month-long European holiday.

Upon returning, and during the latter part of my trip, I was beginning to notice a sense of unease in the contrarian economics blogosphere.

I find that contrarianism, or the fringes of political, economic and social groups are a strong indication of the undiscussed feelings of the majority. It’s now that same unease, which is being mirrored through the majority of our world in a post-fact, share-first collection of identity groups and idealogues.

Because logic is soooo 20th century.

If you had of asked me whether Pauline Hanson, the Regressive Left or Donald Trump would be considered a sound means of operation of government, by a large majority of people in 2017 — I would have walked away.

How are we here? It’s almost certainly the economic hardship experience from the GFC that has pushed ideology on to society. Underlying all of that, is our inability to connect and explain.

Richard Feynman’s measure for our understanding of a topic was along the lines of ‘can you explain this to a child?’.

You are the easiest person to fool; knowing something, versus knowing the name of something is to me, an unparalleled issue. If you can’t explain to a child, then you can’t convince me of the truth. If you can’t convince me that something is true, then how can we ever agree?

So next time you find yourself in a conversation, try this “life hack” — explain it to a child. This video from Wired will get you started.

How to deload your monkey mind 🐵

This is for all of those type-A personalities, business owners, investors, or anyone like me who doesn’t know how to relax.

Engineered deloading is a fantastic way to re-establish what mission is critical. In practice, it’s essentially a period of time that allows you to clean out the pile of leaves in your pipes of life — Tim Ferriss has a great account of practice in his own life.

So how do I do it? What’s critical is regular deloading, otherwise it just becomes a once-off woo-woo session that makes you feel high for a few weeks. Here’s what I do regularly:

  • Journal once a week
  • One night off work every week (I work F/T & then on Neuralle at nights, if this is a strange idea to you)
  • Every 6 months, deload to a bare bones week of work
  • Write a deloading journal about what has or hasn’t worked, and get rid of any habits or activities in the business that seem to be a waste of precious time

What lessons do you want more or less of? Let us know!

Just send a tweet to @Neuralle and put #MondayMorsels in there so we can find it.

Happy reading,

Jordan & team @

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