Introducing Ask me Anything: Get instant insights from your audio transcriptions

Felix Laumann
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2024

Your call transcriptions are full of invaluable insights. But, identifying and extracting information from reams of text has never been easy. What if you could simply type a question and get an answer? With our latest feature, Ask me Anything you can!

Turn audio into insights with generative AI

Important information is hidden within your call transcripts. Ask me Anything uses generative AI to surface it for you immediately.

Form straightforward search queries like ‘find {entity}’ or a generative insight such as ‘Summarize how this caller felt about their purchase and why?’. Ask me Anything cuts through the clutter of long transcripts — giving you direct, instant access to the information you need.

All you have to do is ask.

Your questions, answered

Ask me Anything caters to a diverse range of use-cases, making it a versatile tool for various scenarios. Here are some examples:

Summarization: Simplify internal communication by generating summaries that highlight the key themes of your meetings.

Prompt: “What were the key themes of this call or meeting?”

Sentiment Analysis & Insights: Dive into qualitative feedback from customer calls to understand customer sentiment towards specific products or events.

Prompt: “What was the sentiment of the customer towards X product and why?”

Productivity Enhancement: Use AmA to generate actionable follow-up tasks from calls, optimizing the outcomes of your calls.

Prompt: “What are the follow-up action items from this call?”

Fraud Detection: Pinpoint potential security threats by recognizing and flagging repeated unsuccessful attempts to access sensitive information.

Prompt: “Identify instances where the caller failed multiple attempts to access their account.”

Interview Analysis: Get insight on a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses directly from the interview transcript, streamlining your decision-making.

Prompt: “What are the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses?”

Write the perfect prompt

The right prompt leads to better AI responses. Here’s our top tips to craft clear, focused prompts to get accurate, relevant answers.

  1. Be Specific: Clearly define what you’re looking for. If you need insights on customer sentiment, specify that. For technical details, point that out. The more specific the prompt, the more targeted the AI’s response will be.
  2. Ask Direct Questions: Frame your requirements as direct questions. For example, “What are the main concerns expressed by the customer?” or “Can you identify the solutions offered during the call?”
  3. Request Summaries or Analysis: If you’re looking for an overview, ask for a summary of the call, highlighting major points. For deeper insights, request an analysis, like identifying patterns or trends in the conversation.
  4. Optimize Audio Length: For best results use an audio that is under 20 minutes. Short text tends to be more concise and clear. This clarity helps the AI to understand and respond to the core message or question without the complexity of parsing through extraneous details or ambiguous language.
  5. Highlight Key Sections: If the transcript is lengthy, identify or mark key sections that you think might contain the needed information. This guides the AI to focus on the most relevant parts of the transcript.
  6. Use Bullet Points for Multiple Queries: If you have several different pieces of information you’re seeking, list them in bullet points. This organizes your request clearly, making it easier for the AI to address each point.
  7. Sequential Requests: If the task is complex, break it down into smaller, sequential requests. Start with a broad query, then follow up with more specific questions based on the initial response.
  8. Validate Results: While AI models are designed to provide accurate and relevant information, they are not infallible. Human validation ensures the correctness of the data, especially in critical or sensitive contexts.
  9. Feedback Loop: Use the responses you get to refine your prompts. If the initial answer isn’t quite what you were looking for, tweak your prompt to be more precise or to approach the question from a different angle.

Feature Roadmap

Soon, AmA will have the capability to process multiple transcripts. For example, imagine uploading a set of five customer interaction calls with an agent. With this enhancement, you can prompt AmA to provide a chronological description of events or analyze the agent’s behavior across the various calls.

Currently, AMA processes text in English. Our team is actively enhancing response quality for other languages during the Beta period. Furthermore, in the next release AmA will offer a structured JSON output. This means developers can easily integrate AmA into different applications and make the most of its capabilities.

We want to acknowledge that this is still the beta version of Ask me Anything. It isn’t perfect, but we’re continuing to build and improve daily — so give it a try and let us know what you think.

Sign up to the VoiceAI platform to try Ask me Anything for free.

