How To Cope With ADHD Burnout
These will help.
Burnout is something most of us have experienced at one time or another. It is a state of extreme mental or physical exhaustion caused by prolonged periods of stress. Although burnout can happen to anyone, it is more common and usually occurs more frequently in people with ADHD/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
The reason for this is that the attention and executive functioning challenges associated with ADHD make life more difficult. In addition to the typical stressors of everyday life, those with ADHD also have to manage their symptoms in order to function. Listed below are ways that you can cope when experiencing an ADHD burnout.
Know The Signs Of Burnout
Burnout is usually something that develops over time, but often, there are signs that are easy to miss. Burnout can have both mental and physical symptoms, including feeling tired or drained most of the time, feeling like you just want to quit and run away, feeling lonely or detached, thinking constant negative thoughts, and feeling unable to “switch off.”
Some of the physical symptoms include headaches, back, neck, or shoulder pain, upset stomach, recurring illness, or jaw clenching.