ADHD, Autism, And Emotions

Why neurodivergent folks often struggle with dysregulation

Jillian Enright


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Emotional Dysregulation

Why do Autistics and people with ADHD seem to get worked up so easily?

Why do we seem to be more “sensitive” than others, more emotional, or hot-tempered?

Well, it’s actually pretty complicated…

Never enough

I mean, we’re constantly told we’re “too” this, “not enough” that, or somehow doing things wrong.

We also frequently find ourselves in environments where others don’t “get” us.

Like, at all.

They don’t understand our needs or communication.

They don’t understand executive dysfunction and why it makes things so difficult.

People are always telling us we just need to “try harder”.

And that’s just the beginning…

Neurological differences

In addition to those social and environmental challenges, we also have neurological differences which impact our ability to regulate our emotions.

People with Autism and ADHD (and other divergent neurotypes) have less effective communication between our…



Jillian Enright

She/they. Neurodivergent, 20+ yrs SW & Psych. experience. I write about mental health, neurodiversity, education, and parenting. Founder of Neurodiversity MB.