Finding An Autism & ADHD Coach

What an Autism or ADHD coach should be able to do for you

Jillian Enright


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Autism and ADHD coaching

Ever wondered what an Autism, Executive Functioning, or ADHD Coach does? I outline some of the supports a neurodiversity-affirming professional coach should be willing, qualified, and able to provide.

ADHD coaching

ADHD coaching and support can be related to school, work, and home. Help from a professional for getting organized, navigating challenges, and enhancing self-advocacy skills.

Autistic-affirming support

Consulting, advocacy, and individual support services, ideally from someone with both lived and professional experience supporting neurodivergent people in a way that is respectful and affirming. Helping clients work toward their own goals and to develop self-advocacy skills, rather than trying to condition or teach clients to attempt to mask and conform to neurotypical expectations.

Person-centred supports

A good coach should meet with you and get to know you as a person. They should help you develop tools and strategies that work for you, to help you meet your goals. The time is yours, to focus on what is important to you, in a…



Jillian Enright

She/they. Neurodivergent, 20+ yrs SW & Psych. experience. I write about mental health, neurodiversity, education, and parenting. Founder of Neurodiversity MB.