How To Stop Masking Your Neurodivergent True Self

It may feel scary at first, but once you do it, you will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!

Catherine Londero


I write this article as a 39 year old, having only learnt about my own neurodivergence two years ago. As a result, I have spent my whole life trying to squeeze my personality, behaviour, and emotions into the guise of a neurotypical person.

Masking to hide your true self

Masking is a method used by neurodivergent people to hide their differences and attempt to appear neurotypical. It is mainly used in social situations and is often a necessity in the workplace.

No one specifically told me to use masking as a technique to hide my differences, but like so many neurodivergent children, I soon worked it out for myself.

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t mask but I do remember having a strong preference for just being with my nuclear family. I now realise that I didn’t have to mask when it was just us.

I remember having a strong preference for being with my nuclear family, I now realise that I didn’t have to mask when it was just us.



Catherine Londero

Late diagnosed Autistic and self-diagnosed ADHD, dyspraxic mum to two boys. Picture book and middle grade writer