How To Study With ADHD

Effective study tips and strategies for fellow ADHDers

Jillian Enright


Created by author

Welcome to my nerd-dom

I am a self-professed nerd (and proud of it). I love to read, I love to learn, and if school had been free, I would have remained a student for many more years. As it is, I have two degrees, and spend much of my days reading and researching for articles and creating resources for my clients.

I also have ADHD.

ADHD which was not identified until after I had completed my post-secondary education.

Suffice it to say, I have developed some very effective strategies for getting shit done.

I won’t claim to have all the answers, I certainly have my areas of strengths and weaknesses, and days when I’m a lot more productive than others. It also takes me a lot longer to complete most projects because I am forever jumping from one task to another.

What works for one person may not work for others, but my hope is to provide an eclectic collection of various strategies so you can find one that works for you.

Find your time zone

No, I don’t mean Eastern or Central, I mean the time you are most likely to be “in the zone”. I am most productive in the mornings and early afternoons…



Jillian Enright

She/they. Neurodivergent, 20+ yrs SW & Psych. experience. I write about mental health, neurodiversity, education, and parenting. Founder of Neurodiversity MB.