She’s Coming For Our ‘Tism

Yet she doesn’t even know what Autism is…

Jillian Enright


Created by author on Canva

It’s called accountability

Many of you may have heard about the aptly named “Dr. Barbie” being chased off TikTok by the #ActuallyAutistic community. Thank you, fellow Autists, by the way!

A brief summary of events: a highly problematic psychologist named Dr. Colleen Long decided to show up on social media and call out everyone who is self-diagnosed Autistic or has an atypical presentation of autism.

She then blocked anyone who disagreed with her while claiming to want “open dialogue”, and eventually shut down her accounts.

Why am I being immediately pejorative, when I generally try to stick to the science, with just a side of snark and sarcasm?

This is why.

Dr. Barbie got called out on the clock app, so she decided to come over here and cry “woe is me”, claiming to have been cyber-bullied. Even more ridiculous, Dr. Barbie claims that calling her by such a moniker and saying she has white privilege (which, yes honey, we do) is racist.

Not only does Dr. Barbie not understand autism, she clearly doesn’t understand racism either.

I’m going to try to educate Dr. Colleen Long, and we’ll see how long until she either…



Jillian Enright

She/they. Neurodivergent, 20+ yrs SW & Psych. experience. I write about mental health, neurodiversity, education, and parenting. Founder of Neurodiversity MB.