Social Skills Training For Neurotypicals

An Autistic’s guide to socialization and communication for Allistics

Jillian Enright


Created by author

Attention Allistic Adults!

(And parents of allistic children)

Are you worried that you, or your child, are struggling to communicate effectively with others?

Do you struggle with social skills, especially after more than two years of a pandemic impacting our ability to get out and interact with others?

It’s extremely challenging adapting to change, isn’t it?

Well, I have good news for you. We Autistics are well-equipped to teach you how to adjust yourselves to readily meet the expectations and needs of others, often without even considering your own!

I understand, you’re used to having the universe revolve around your preferences and ways of being in the world — especially you white, cis-males out there, have you guys ever had it rough!

We’ll help you through this, and show you there are other ways of thinking and doing. You may have previously dismissed our minds and behaviours as “weird” or “disabled”, but we’ll show you Autistics have been training for this our entire lives.

First thing’s first



Jillian Enright

She/they. Neurodivergent, 20+ yrs SW & Psych. experience. I write about mental health, neurodiversity, education, and parenting. Founder of Neurodiversity MB.