Welcome to My Gibberish

a place to find all my short fiction

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

Hello, and welcome to my little publication. I believe this is the fourth one I have started. The other three failed and folded after my brief attempt to get them off the ground. I hope this one has a bit more luck.

I’ve been posting and publishing short stories, flash fiction, and micro-fiction as well as a lot of poetry and non-fiction as well on Medium since 2017. Most of which has been graciously published in many publications here on Medium.

But with over 1000 things on my profile alone and countless more by other fantastic writers in the publications I realized a lot of my stories have probably gotten lost in the online shuffle such as it is.

I decided to create this little publication in the hopes of giving some those buried stories a new lease on life.

I’m also planning on posting excerpts from the Cyber Punk novelette series I’m currently working and hoping to release in September 2020 (at least the first book of the series that is).

Hope you enjoy my little publication.

