Let’s desert

Franco Bifo Berardi
3 min readSep 28, 2022



The revenge has began of the Earth upon the World.

Pakistan, a country of 224 million inhabitants is submerged by sandy waters for a third of its territory. The crops destroyed the animals drowned in the mud. From the tower the muezzin repeats his praises to Allah.
How many Pakistanis will abandon those lands and flee to the borders of Europe that are protected by dogs and iron walls?

The effect of forty years of neoliberal devastation (of the environment, of work, of technologies) is revealing itself in the disintegration of the structures of civil life.

Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Haiti look like the future of the world.

The senile dementia of the white rulers — Russians, Europeans and Americans — splatters the planet, as war rages on the eastern border of Europe, generating waves of terror and misery everywhere. Winter looms in the cities of Europe: energy is scarce, both fossil and nervous. Inflation gnaws at wages.

The season is coming of reckoning.

The Atlantic warmongers don’t stop sending weapons to their Ukrainian proxies, evoking the shadow of extreme defence of Holy Mother Russia. What are the warmongers expecting?
Those who wanted this war, who knowingly provoked it, those who armed the courageous Ukrainian warriors, who pushed them to die for the interests of American corporations, what are they expecting next?

Who are the winners at the moment, and who are losers?

At the moment Russia is losing the war against the Ukrainian NATO warriors. However Russia wins the war against Europe.
America too has won its war against Europe, particularly against Germany.

The White House said: we will not tolerate North Stream2, we are ready for any action to prevent its completion. Any action meant: arming the Ukrainians to fight for our interests.
The Americans wanted to give Russia a new Afghanistan in Ukraine. The problem is that Putin is not Brezhnev nor Gorbachev. Putin is a nationalist at war against Nationalists, and for the sake of the Nation they are ready for anything.

Deserters flee from the Russian borders, and we greet them as the vanguard of an immense army that is forming on the fringes of the agony of the world.
We greet as friends all those who are deserting.

Deserting means leaving the battlefield, sneaking out before the military police catch you. Desertion is the refusal to participate, to enter the trap of power. Impotent power that promises things it is no longer able to deliver.

Desertion is the refusal to give children to the homeland, to give birth to innocent people for the oven of the coming summers. From China to Europe women desert, and the chain of procreation stops. Anyone who loves children is careful not to bring them into this world.

We praise every kind of desertion.
In America they call it Great Resignation, but not only in America do young people desert work. They do it everywhere, wherever they refuse to respond to the call for economic growth. Why waste your time, all the time of your life to produce huge expanses of useless nothing, in exchange for a salary of shit, more and more shitty salary?

Let’s desert consumption that is killing the planet and making you poor and dependent on the order of salaried work.

Let’s desert the symbiotic psychosis that runs along the wires of relentless connection.

This desertion is the only way to enable human survival.



Franco Bifo Berardi

born in 1949, based in Bologna, phd in philosophy, writer