The Serpent’s Egg

Franco Bifo Berardi
8 min readMar 11, 2022


Between depression and aggressiveness: birth of the European nation

In The Serpent’s Egg, a 1977 film, Bergman recounts the emergence of the beast as a psychotic awakening of terrified, humiliated, desperate minds.
A staggering crowd of psychically wounded people, slowly moves nightmare-like, in a grey foggy light, until they can regain strength, energy and enthusiasm in aggression.

Blond beasts, to quote Nietzsche.

Since February 24 2022, the blonde beast has emerged from the East, unleashing the largest military offensive on the European soil since 1945, re-enacting the Yugoslav scenario of the ’90s on a giant scale. But simultaneously the blond beast also emerged in the European Parliament. Speaking from the video-screen, Zelenski said: “Ukraine is ready to die for Europe, now let’s see if Europe is ready to die for Ukraine”, Immediately after this speech the members of the Euro Parliament decided to arm the Ukrainian resistance, and to join the war.

The European Union was born to generate a political entity free from the nationalist rhetoric. Getting rid of the tragic history of nationalism, indeed of nationalisms (because nationalism is never alone): this was the meaning of the European Union, the intention of the Founding fathers of the Union. But now, following the American provocation and the Russian aggression, that founding intention (never actually implemented, but still hovering in the realm of programmatic illusions) is canceled.

Let’s forget about geopolitics, a rudimentary science for cynical brains. Let’s come to the psycho-political substance of the process that is deploying on the continental scene.
In an article from 1918, written in the aftermath of the war and the pandemic trauma, Freud’s colleague Sandor Ferenczi wondered if it is possible to cure collective psychosis. His conclusion is that such collective pathologies can only be prevented but not cured when they occur. We know what happened in the following decades. The trauma was elaborated in a psychotic way, through an aggressive identification with the nation and the race.

How is the trauma suffered in the pandemic two years being elaborated today?

The European events of February March 2022 suggest that the trauma elaboration is taking on a psychotic character: creeping depression seeks compensation in aggression: the name of this psychosis is Nation.
How are nations born? Through war. This is a general rule of European history.
By participating in the Ukrainian war, Europe finally asserts itself as a Nation. Probably it is just the beginning of the end, but that’s another story.

In the years following the financial crisis of 2008, Europe chose to be a fortress, a territory (less and less) populated by people frightened by the white decline and by the ethnic substitution.
Left and right have commonly pursued the aim of excluding, rejecting, drowning in order to defend the great white homeland. Now the Fortress is turning into Nation, thanks to war, as usual.

The blondie from St. Petersburg

Until yesterday the only difference between left and right in Italy was the different consideration of Putin, and of the resurgent Russian nation. While the Democrats were in favor of laying siege to the tsar by enlarging NATO, the other half of the political spectrum, Euro-American nationalists admired Putin. Trump Le Pen, Meloni, Salvini, not to mention Berlusconi have expressed their admiration for the blond from St. Petersburg in no uncertain terms. Putin personified the cult of the nation that the Euro-American right have tried in different contexts to reaffirm.

Then, on the afternoon of March 1st, video-speaking to the Europarlament, Zelinski asked if Europe is ready to die for Ukraine, the heart of the European right began to beat for him. Dying for the homeland has always been the dream of the nationalists, although this does not mean that they really want to die personally. They want to send someone to die for their glory: yes, that’s their dream.

Salvini, the racist leader of the Northern League, oblivious to the alliance between the League and United Russia, has become generous and welcomes Ukrainian refugees because they are real refugees, not like those freeloaders of Afghans and Syrians.
So the nationalists, suddenly dismissing their admiration for the Russian Tsar, took the head of the European Union. Ursula von den Leyden and all the other members of parliament applauded enthusiastically the call to arms of the Ukrainian leader and decided to intervene in the defence of the European nation, of the Christian God, and of the white race.

That’s good. But Putin also has white skin, right? And he is more Christian than us. So what is the point in attacking our mirror image?

Only Trump, who most clearly expresses white supremacism, stands firm:
Putin is a friend, says Trump, and he is right.
The American Democrats are still obsessed with the Soviet Union, they don’t want to leave a narrative that saw them win.

But Putin is not a communist. Putin’s theoretical and strategic point of reference is called Ilic Il’in, a Russian intellectual who fled the Soviet Union in the 1920s to take refuge in Berlin during the years of Hitler. He is the only theorist Putin has mentioned in his speeches since the early years of his rise to power. An avowed Nazi, who wrote: “Fascism is a saving excess of patriotic arbitrariness.”
In the book The road to Unfreedom, Timothy Snyder emphasises the intellectual relationship between Il’in’s thought and Putin’s action, explaining that the ideological origin of the Putin vision is to be found in the Il’in ideas.
Americans and Europeans knew they were dealing with a nationalist and a fundamentalist, nevertheless George Bush, looking him in the eye got the certainty that Putin was a man. sincere and good.


“Covid will disappear when we’ll stop talking about it,” said a friend who likes to joke about serious things.
In fact, Covid disappeared overnight, thanks to the bombing of Ukrainian cities.

Paranoia, however, does not disappear with Covid, on the contrary it returns even more aggressive. Good white citizens sanitized and obedient to state orders have been scandalized by those who questioned the official version on the vaccine issue. Now we are ready to isolate and aggress those who questions the patriotic duty to hate and to fight against Russians.
On the other hand, those who have felt persecuted by a sanitary conspiracy today are ready to swear that Putin is the savior.

We are all called to choose: either we are with Europe in arms or we are with Putin. This psychological need to identify with one of the two contenders, is the most serious sign of the ethical and intellectual paralysis of our time.
We are unable to admit that there is no conspiracy, or rather that the conspiracies are innumerable and intertwined, and that no one governs, because chaos is the lord of the world.
So: everyone knew who Putin was. The liberals of the world greeted him when he helped in destroying the legacy of the Soviet Union and transforming Russia into a component of the global financial system. The American military greeted him when he helped in combating Islamism, the common enemy of all Christians, Eastern and Western.

He was an executioner and everyone knew it.

it is not the first time

One may say that it is not the first time that the leading country of the free world finances and arms an executioner to do a very dirty job, then attacks him, overthrows him, and hangs him for the joy of the white peoples.

America, the homeland of democracy financed and armed Saddam Hussein in the early 1980s for him to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran. A devastating war ensued with millions of Iraqi and Iranian deaths.
Having made himself useful, the executioner Saddam Hussein then became the sworn enemy, who had to be eliminated at all costs. Millions of Iraqis were killed phosphorus bombs were thrown on the city of Fallujah, and the foundations of Daesh were laid, then the country was abandoned in permanent chaos.

In the same period the United States financed and armed Osama bin Laden to organize the holy war against the Soviet enemy in Afghanistan. Brzezinski said that the formation of an Islamic terrorist army was of little concern when compared to the defeat of the Communist enemy. But on September 11, 2001, with the money and weapons coming to him from the Saudi ruling class, close friends of the Bush family, Osama bin Laden knocked down a couple of towers and killed more than three thousand people. Then began the war of the richest country in the world against the poorest country, while idiots all over the planet screamed: “We are all Americans.”

Twenty years later the Americans fled the poorest country in the world not before having devastated it, and left in the clutches of the Taliban those who had believed in the words of Hillary Clinton and her murderers.
In the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US supported ex-communists converted to freedom, and watched them with a cynical smile as they dismantled the public system, privatized productive enterprises, exported enormous wealth to English banks, and exterminated the Chechen resistance with brutal methods.
The taciturn Putin then seemed a friend to be trusted, it did not matter that he had given proof of being an executioner at the Beslan school, in the Dubrovska Theater, and on many other occasions.
But the taciturn Putin did not respect the rules, he even allowed himself to build a pipeline in collaboration with the Germans, and this was unacceptable for the defenders of democracy. The Germans had to be forced to cancel that project, the European Union had to be pushed towards suicide.
After February 24th 2022, the pipeline has been cancelled, and Europe has taken the path towards suicide.

Biden’s first win

For the first time Biden seems to have the backing of Republicans, although Trump, after saying that Putin is a genius, now stands on the sidelines waiting to return to take revenge.
After so many battles lost, Biden finally won one: after submitting Europe to the NATO control, he pushed Europe to self-destruction.
Even if this will not be enough to stop the disintegration of the United States of America, the country where people kill themselves most, where 100,000 people have died of overdoses in recent years, the war could help him win the mid-term elections, but I wouldn’t bet a nickel on it: between now and November there is time, and it will be a time of horror and lies.

And of death, as the blonde beasts like: the Russian ones, the European ones, and the American ones.



Franco Bifo Berardi

born in 1949, based in Bologna, phd in philosophy, writer