Svetlana Nigay
Neuromarketing for top conversion
3 min readJun 29, 2017


Lost in fonts?

Neuromarketing can reveal the importance of those little details that you usually tend to neglect. For instance, let’s look closely at a font choice.

Clearly, font is very important for your key visual, for your logotype, for the graphic design. But, what is also crucial — is carefully choosing your font for ALL written information that you communicate to your clients. Business card, event invitation, product label, mail — everywhere, offline and online.

So, what IS actually significant in the font choice, is to remember :

different fonts serve different purposes.

We now know that simple, sans-serif fonts have this immediate impact on our brain.

Curiously, recent studies show that complex font will make your brain work harder to, first of all, understand what it says, and then to retain it. This is not what you could’ve imagined, right?

“A Princeton study compared student retention of course material presented in both simple fonts and more complex fonts and found that retention was significantly better for the complex font.” — Brainfluence by Roger Dooley

In this particular study, this detail was crucial. The group of students who spend more time reading and trying to understand the text (because of the complexity of the font), remembered it better.

Let’s keep in mind though, that in this research there is one more detail that changes everything — those students were motivated to pass this exam, and your clients are not always that motivated to know about your new product. So let’s be careful and interpret this research correctly.

How can you use it in your business?

Example 1: event invitation. You would want to use simple font for title and description, to encourage immediate action and prompt understanding, and complex font for event address and time, so that your guests spend more time on actually reading this information and having solid image in their brain.

Example 2: business card. Your choice of font will depend on the purposes you have for the business card, and of course on business you own or services you provide.

Your goal is to raise awareness of your name and turn yourself to a brand as a marketing consultant? Use complex font for your name and surname.

You have online store and need customers coming directly to your website? Elaborate the writing of your website address.

Example 3: website. Simple font is going to have desired right-away impact on your clients used on clear call-to-action. You have a text that is quite long, but really important (your mission statement or production process) — use complex one to make people read and remember it.

The font choice depends always on your objective with this particular message. Complex fonts will not work on the main page, because the level of involvement is really low. You have to make them stay, and only after introduce your paragraph in complex font (be careful with amount of text too)

Be extremely vigilant : there are tons of different font types, one works better for screen (sans-serif) and others are more readable on print (serif).
Here — more on different fonts.

Proper choice of font you use is one of the first basics of neuromarketing applied to visual communications of your brand.

There are still many neuromarketing hints yet to reveal : stay tuned.


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