Top 5 AI projects by Neuromation

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3 min readNov 8, 2017

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is seeing another spring and becoming a ubiquitous part of society. Researchers and engineers have made important steps towards solving practical problems in machine learning, particularly in such applications as vision, speech, machine translation, and decision making.

Deep Learning is the fastest growing field in Artificial Intelligence, being interested in the subject we’ve picked up top 5 leading projects in Deep Learning from around the world.

  1. Project Maven, designed to Deploy Computer Algorithms to War Zone.

Project Maven, lead by Lt. General John “Jack” Shanahan — the Pentagon’s director for defense for warfighter support — launched in April focuses on computer vision — an aspect of machine learning and deep learning — that autonomously extracts objects of interest from moving or still imagery. Biologically inspired neural networks are used in this process, and deep learning is defined as applying such neural networks to learning tasks.

2. Innovation DX, for bringing data analytics to medicine.

Innovation Dx technology enables medical professionals to make more informed generalizations from medical image data. According to a survey done by SERMO, every year 1 in 20 patients (12 million people) will be misdiagnosed, costing hospitals and patients alike billions and resulting in 98,000 deaths. Innovation Dx was built in order to reduce the number of misdiagnoses and ultimately save lives.

3., for democratizing AI.

Neuromation offers a unique solution that unites market resources, the scientific community, commercial and private entities into an integrated marketplace — the Neuromation Platform. To address the most critical issue, Neuromation focuses on synthetic datasets that have been proven to yield compelling results. Using synthetic datasets in machine learning will further decrease the cost and will ease widespread AI adoption.

4. AI4All, for helping students in AI learning.

Non-profit organization AI4ALL partners with top universities to educate future AI talent about AI for social good. They create pipelines for underrepresented talent through education and mentorship programs around the U.S. and Canada that give high school students early exposure to AI for social good. Their vision is for AI to be developed by a broad group of thinkers and doers advancing AI for humanity’s benefit.

5. Let’s Enhance, created to improve images

Let’s Enhance uses machine learning to enhance low resolution JPEG images, boosting resolution 4x times, keeping edges and features sharp and crisp. Collaboration with Neuromation would be announced next week. Keep and eye on this project!

