Neuromation is hiring!

Sergey Nikolenko
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2018


Hello colleagues! Today the post is unusual — we have a vacancy! Incidentally, I do not remember a vacancy at opendatascience slack gaining such stats. But the old-timers should know better.

tl-dr: St. Petersburg, deep learning in computer vision, cool projects, 120–250K, for stars there can be more. In more detail.

Recently, the Neuromation company (, in which I am the Chief Research Officer, has completed the token sale:

We have collected a lot of money and plan to use it to organize new labs for both industrial projects and breakthrough deep learning studies. In particular, we are opening a division of Neuromation Labs in St. Petersburg under my leadership. So we are hiring people there.

In this lab, we plan to conduct various deep learning projects, but our focus is computer vision based on synthetic data. You can read, for example, my posts on our first big retail project and the Neuromation platform that we are also planning to build:

And here are examples of typical projects that we will do:

— see the third part, on piglets:

— and here also the third part, on MonBaby:

The main thing that is required of you is to have confident expertise in machine learning and modern neural network models, both theoretically and practically. The desirable level of candidates is “I can read a modern article on deep learning and implement the model from the article, even if there was no ready-made code on the GitHub.” Specific libraries are not so important at this level, but obviously, today these are, most likely, PyTorch or TensorFlow/Keras.

Experience is in computer vision, especially object detection, segmentation, video processing is desirable, but we can talk even if you were doing something else. In addition, an important additional advantage will be familiarity with the “classic” computer vision, experience in OpenCV development, as well as academic experience (publications).

Salary bracket is at Rubles 120–250K per month (I think, most likely $3K–4K) subject to the interview results. Other terms to be discussed, but generally we are looking for candidates for full-time work in a small office in St. Petersburg. With really stellar candidates, we will always come to understanding and agreement on individual basis. For you it is a unique chance to join a potentially very powerful company, as they say, on the ground floor. By the way, bonuses/tokens/options are also possible, as we are still a startup.

We will also be happy to see talented juniors in our ranks. If you are interested in growing and developing in deep learning, you are welcome. Write me about yourself, your education and experience in neural networks. For such a candidate, general mathematic culture (probability theory, mathematical analysis, linear algebra), command of Python, basic data processing and machine learning experience, and most importantly — a willingness to study and work on yourself, is required. Experience in computer vision, command of OpenCV, etc. will be a great advantage.

Contact me right here, alternatively at or Telegram @snikolenko. Please like, share, repost!

P.S. If you already work in AI start-up and do not want to change your place of work, we can still find something to talk about — 10% of our token sale goes to the grants program for AI startups with interesting and cool deep learning ideas support:

You are welcome to contact!

