Neuromation Platform Update

Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2018

We aim towards transparent business, this is why we are keeping our users and AI community up-to-date with all the processes inside our offices. This week read about Kyiv and Moscow tech teams, led by CIO Denis Popov and CTO Fedor Savchenko accordingly.

Neuromation Moscow team

Partnerships :

Swagger (API documentation) for OSA has been completed, and OSA team members were added to the Dropbox folder in order to increase data exchange speed.

Let’s Enhance demo deployment, API bug was reported and fixed by our engineering team.

Platform MVP has been constantly upgraded and the following was fixed and improved:

- Bug when user can buy some items in market twice;

- Fixes for Safari for few dynamical pages;

- Allow to remove files from orders;

- Allow to attach files with non English characters in the name;

- Better functionality in Generated Dataset Preview;

- More information about user account in admin area;

- User can now archive order in pending state;

- Visual improvements for Generator Task page;

- Billing system refactoring. Currently task is billed only in case it does not fail;

- Live updates in User library: generators and models pages;

- Dashboard page in admin area;

- Classes selector for generators page(butterfly generator);

- Generators and models can now be rented;

Go to platform, to check out the latest updates and tools.

Neuromation Moscow team

Many of you have asked about the website, so here are our steps this week :


-Information architecture;

-Brand assets;

-Index page;

-Site generators;

-Navigation widget;

Labs :

-Modifications of iOS application that is used by OSA in their presentations, so it will work with different neural networks connected with computer vision.

- Research, samples and proposals for TRA Robotics, Lidar company.

- 5 000 new photographic images provided by OSA HP were processed and turned into digital data.

- New features to generator. Export of shelves, export of prices (with ID for text mapping). Was added additional generation mode for random textures.

- Following datasets were generated: Singular dataset, dataset of items on shelves. Items on shelves with different background. Completely negative dataset. Mixed dataset (50% positive 50% negative).


The Future of AI event in Tel-Aviv is already next week! Sergey Nikolenko and Maxim Prasolov will deliver a keynote speech on computation for AI: problems, solutions, and trends topic, and our marketing department is busy making a platform demo tool and creating marketing and video materials for the exhibition.

Neuromation Tel-Aviv team

We teamed with Eden PR to support media relations in Israel during the event to maximize the outcome and establish leadership position in the booming AI market in Israel.

Preparation for PTP China — the biggest Fintech and Blockchain event is in the pipeline too, Neuromation will be present at the exhibition and with a keynote speech by CEO Maxim Prasolov, sharing Neuromation’s success story and telling more about Blockchain technologies and the AI industry.

Our teams in Tallinn, Moscow, Kiev, Saint Petersbourg, Tel-Aviv and San Francisco are working hard on delivering first-class services for the AI industry, and we want to keep the AI community updated about our progress. This Friday we will introduce our St Petersburg scientific team, real sharks of deep learning, they also look cool!

