Take a Look Inside Neuromation’s Tel Aviv Office

Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2018
Neuromation Tel-Aviv Team

With offices around the world, Neuromation is truly a global AI platform and development firm. We work with companies big and small, around the world, in many industries. As a result, we’re becoming the go-to experts on the applications of synthetic data and distributed computing for AI in many use cases. We hope to continue to expand our footprint into new regions and industries to become the de facto resource on synthetic data globally.

Today, we’ll get an inside look at the sales and marketing team, located in Tel Aviv. Neuromation’s Tel Aviv office is in the tallest building in Israel, the Azrieli Sarona Tower, on the top floor. Not only does this provide premium meeting and events space for winning over new clients, but the breathtaking views promote productivity and creativity amongst our team.

We’ll join Esther Katz, VP for Communications & Marketing and Evan Katz, Chief Revenue Officer, as they go throughout their typical day.

Wake Up

We start our day early, up before the sun to get a head start on the day. Esther and Evan will both tell you one of the first things they do in the morning after waking is check their phones for new messages and emails. Once they address any urgent concerns, it’s off to fix a quick breakfast, shower, and get ready for the day. Then, it’s not a long commute through a commercial district and past the Tel Aviv government complex before you arrive at the foot of the Azrieli Sarona Tower, Israel’s tallest building.

While in the elevator to the 59th floor, we run into some colleagues from other tech startups, and we share some information with a reporter for Start Up Grind, all of whom have offices near ours. Once we arrive on the top floor, we meet up with the rest of the Neuromation team in the office. There are four Neuromation employees in the Tel Aviv office — Esther, Evan, Gladys, and Hay. Esther handles marketing and reports directly to Maxim (the CEO) while Gladys and Hay are sales reps who report to Evan.

Together, we warm up to the day with some coffee, enjoying the view out over the Mediterranean. Over coffee, we’ll kick off the day with a recap meeting, reviewing the status of Neuromation’s outreach efforts and setting goals for the day. With that settled, we split up and get to work.


The sales team spends most of the morning prospecting on Google and LinkedIn for potential new customers. Hay focuses on Israel, Europe, and North America while Gladys focuses on Asia. Even though he’s a C-level executive, Evan also works hard on sales calls and prospecting. When I asked him about it, he told me,

“It’s really fun because we get the chance to talk to lots of people from around the world, and each is from a different industry. I like to compare it to the ‘Yellow Brick Road.’ Every day is new and exciting. We find ourselves talking to small companies none has ever heard of, to huge ones & Government officials.”

Meanwhile that morning, Esther has a meeting with a PR agency to brief them on Neuromation and find new ways to get press attention for the Neuromation story. They brainstorm some ideas for potential articles they can pitch news outlets, and the PR representative tells Esther about a publication that would love to do an interview with Maxim.


Depending on the day, lunch is either eaten at the desk, over a sales meeting, or turned into a few snacks throughout the day. By noon, we’ve got momentum for the day, and Asian timezones will soon be closing for business for the day. Gladys found some good leads from prospecting a few days earlier and has set up an introductory call for this afternoon for a new potential client looking for Neuromation Labs custom-designed AI solutions.

Every week there are new meetings for the sales team. Yesterday, Evan and Hay presented Neuromation to The Minister of International Affairs and a number of Government officials from EU. Also once a week, the sales team has a brainstorming call with our scientists to better understand the opportunities we have in the pipeline. Evan also spends a lot of time thinking about sales strategy. He’s currently working on plans to set up sales teams/agents in Singapore, Japan, Berlin, and the United States.

In the afternoon is also the Neuromation Asia teams call. Maxim often joins in (although it’s very early morning in San Francisco) to lead the discussion and get an overall picture of where the company is headed. Esther picks up leads from various team members about journalists interested in covering Neuromation, and Evan gives an update on sales and revenue.


There’s always a lot to do, and the Tel Aviv team often finds themselves working late into the evening to hit a deadline or close a deal. We hope you enjoyed riding along for a day in the life at Neuromation Tel Aviv. We’ll be back at it again tomorrow, telling Neuromation’s story to the world.

