Accenture Labs mentions in media

WSJ Article on Neuromorphic for Automotive

My Accenture Labs colleague, Tim Shea, and I recently discussed the potential for #neuromorphic computing in the automotive industry with Sara Castellanos from The Wall Street Journal.

We and others interviewed discuss the key benefits of neuromorp

hic computing for the automotive industry, including power efficiency, data efficiency, and responsiveness.

Our own focus has not been on improving autonomous driving, though we think that’s also interesting. It is on leveraging edge AI to improve the driver and passenger experience by making the vehicle easier and more natural to interact with.

Check out her article on why automakers are exploring this technology.



Alex Kass
Neuromorphic Computing and Edge AI

Proven R&D Leader | AI, intelligent interfaces, collaboration, Crowdsourcing, human-robot teaming, & the future of work.