Make money with NeuronX even if you compete with us!



What is more productive, a competition or a cooperation? The answer seems to be obvious. We got used to the fact that there is competition between bad gues and cooperation between good fellows. But what if we look closer? For example, a healthy competition and competitive cooperation? The clarity has vanished and bad guys have turned into the good ones. But should we choose just one point? If two men are fishing, each of them is trying to catch more fish than his rival. But if they were brothers and had a common fridge, then each of them would be interested not only in his catch, but in his brother’s one too.

A simple idea that together we can make much more money has encouraged us to create a decentralized storage of forecasts (DSOF). This platform accumulates forecasts based on the artificial intelligence technologies. In fact, it’s the fridge we have described.

The DSOF also offers an open API for the off-site developers of the artificial intelligence and algorithms based on the machine learning. Every enthusiast from the artificial intelligence world can monetize his or her market forecasts in the DSOF. In case of the accurate forecasts, the system will reward them with DSOF tokens. The strongest teams will get grants to carry out deep research and to maintain infrastructure.

