Navigating Crisis

Ashley Gangl
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2023

Empowering Mental Health Crisis Management

With September nearly upon us, our focus turns towards Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — a time to reflect on the significance of mental health and crisis management. In a world where each individual’s journey is unique, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of seeking aid and resources within one’s local community. Understanding the isolation and fear that often accompanies crisis, we aim to shed light on comprehensive strategies for addressing mental health challenges. This article highlights the value of empathy and introduces a powerful tool for managing crises: crisis cards designed to empower individuals with practical tools and resources.

When faced with a mental health crisis, seeking local aid and resources is a vital step towards healing. Community-based support systems, mental health organizations, and professional services play a pivotal role in offering immediate assistance and long-term guidance. By connecting with these resources, individuals can access tailored solutions that cater to their specific needs, making the path to recovery feel less daunting.

Empathy serves as a bridge between isolation and connection during times of crisis. Acknowledging the emotional turmoil that individuals in crisis experience, it’s essential to cultivate an environment of understanding and compassion. While it’s true that words may fall short in conveying the depth of pain, genuine empathy communicates that individuals are seen, heard, and valued. Empathy opens the door to conversations that lead to healing, without oversimplifying the complexity of the emotions involved.

But even in the best of times, there may be moments when professionals aren’t immediately available and empathy doesn’t help. That’s when stopgap measures like breathing exercises and grounding techniques can begin to play a vital role in a crisis. However, it can be very difficult to remember to utilize these tools when your mind is occupied with the crisis at hand.

That’s where crisis cards come in handy. These thoughtfully designed resources provide a comprehensive toolkit for individuals to manage moments of distress. These cards encompass a range of elements, including:

  • Safe Food Lists: Sometimes, it’s hard to remember to eat, and in a crisis, coming up with food choices can be overwhelming. A safe food list can help you and those who care about you work together to find food options that are comforting and nutritional.
  • Comfort Items: Communicating your needs to others in a crisis can be very difficult. But this list allows you to put together a compilation of items that provide solace and comfort, serving as anchors in moments of crisis. You can use this list to remind yourself or pass it along to someone else so that they can help you locate said items.
  • Emergency & Professional Contacts: Swift access to both personal and professional contacts, ensuring immediate help is just a call away. These are great to have for those who have communication limitations or are away from home. They are also very convenient for caregivers such as babysitters to have.
  • Distraction and Processing Journal Prompts: Refocusing your mind away from the crisis at hand can go a long way toward soothing and grounding yourself. Engaging your mind in activities that offer temporary relief and opportunities for emotional exploration can help you realize what triggered this crisis and may allow for clarity in how to remedy or radically accept the situation at hand.
  • Breathing and Grounding Techniques: Practical methods for regulating breathing and centering oneself amidst overwhelming feelings. These cards are great in moments of severe distress as they can walk you through how to settle yourself. They also work great when trying to calm another person in your care who is experiencing emotional or mental distress.

The crisis cards serve as a tangible representation of empowerment — offering a lifeline of practical tools to weather the storms of mental health crises. By acknowledging that each individual’s journey is unique, these cards facilitate personalized coping strategies, fostering a sense of agency during challenging times. In a society that often stigmatizes mental health struggles, these tools encourage self-care without undermining the significance of the struggle.

As we honor Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, let us unite in the pursuit of fostering understanding and healing. Recognizing the importance of local resources and the transformative power of empathy, we pave the way for a more supportive world for those navigating mental health crises. The crisis cards stand as a symbol of resilience, offering a lifeline of tools and resources that empower individuals on their path to healing. In embracing this holistic approach, we take a significant step towards removing the stigma surrounding mental health, affirming that seeking aid is a testament to strength and a commitment to one’s well-being.

